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第1个回答  2013-05-29
Fuzzy mathematics is to put the fuzzy phenomenon of the objective world as the research object, found that number of rules, using precise mathematical method to deal with a new branch of mathematics. Fuzzy mathematics and other sciences is the same, is the result of practice requires. After decades of development and research, fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy theory have made great progress in their application. Fuzzy variable concept put forward by Kwakemaak as early as in 1978, in the following time, Puff and Ralescu, Kruse and Meyer, according to their individual requirements, for mathematics theory gives a different definition. Opens a new field of introducing fuzzy mathematics method, the econometrics has created a new branch, and has certain application prospect and economic analysis of the application of management will become the main development direction. Here we will propose another economic variable fuzzy method, the method of fuzzy variable. The resulting model can be directly applied to the model of fuzzy variables, which can overcome the part of the data cannot be directly used for some of the pitfalls of econometric models. Thus the econometrics by a fuzzy variable between, fuzzy mathematics, etc, so that the econometric model of the variables in the fuzzy problem solving [1]. This article first to the econometric and fuzzy mathematics to make a brief introduction on its basic research a kind of economic variable fuzzy method -- fuzzy variable method. Because most of the time in the economic variables are time series, we study in this paper a fuzzy variable with fuzzy attributes in time sequence -- fuzzy variable time series, and applied in population aging issues accordingly.追问




第2个回答  2013-05-29
第3个回答  2013-05-29