

第1个回答  2013-05-28
Once there was a doctor who had an exam in the Army, and he got a very high score, but he thought it was because he was good at that kind of questions, if in other fields, he would not have such a high score. All in all, every profession produces its own leading authority. For example, a mechanic knows very well about the car, but this doctor hardly knows anything about the car reparing thing. Once the mechanic was reparing his car and asked him a question, the mechanic said, there was a deaf people who went to a store to buy nails, and he's gesturing to the boss who did not come up with what he wanted the first time, but the boss took out a nail after this deaf gestured for the second time. what if a blind man should do if he wants to buy a pair of scissors? The doctor said, he should put the fingers into the scissors shape. The mechanic smiled, and said, you are wrong, he should say it out directly!追问


第2个回答  2013-05-28
A doctor makes an exam in army, he got a high score but he thought he was good at that question. If it's of other fields, his score won't be that high. Every position has his own No.1. For example, a car-maintainer knows cars very much, but for him, knows nothing. Once a worker who repaired his car asked him a question, that a blind and deef person went to the store to buy a nail, making gesture but the boss didn't bring out what he wanted. The boss brought out the nail at the second time. If the blind goes to the store to buy a pair of scissors, what should he do? The doctor answered that he should make his gesture as a pair of scissors. This car-maintainer smiled and said "you are wrong, he should speak it out directly".
第3个回答  2013-05-28
Questions added: there is a doctor in the army conducted a test (test), he got a very high score, but he felt that because he was good at that kind of topic, if switch to other areas, he can't still get the high score. Line out of the top. Know well such as a mechanic for the car, and he was almost know nothing. Once repair his car workers asked him a question, say a deaf and dumb people to the store to buy nails, strokes my boss did not take out, he wants more than hold its second boss took out a nail, if is a blind man went to the store to buy scissors, he should do. The doctor replied that he should be scissors fingers (scissors). The mechanic smiled and said, you are wrong, he should just say it.
第4个回答  2013-05-28
there was a doctor who took part in a exam in the army getting high scores.he felt that was because he is good at that kinds of questions and would'n get excellent score if switched to other fields.every field has its talents. e.g. as to a car,one mechanic can know it well,but he would't know nothing at all. once the worker repairing his car asked him a question,saying a deaf and dump person went to a shop for nails,gesticulating fiirstly for nothing, till secondly gesticulating did he get the nails.the worker kept asking that if a blind person went to the store for scissors,how should the person do? the doctor replied that he should gesticulate with his hands like scissors.the mechanic smiled and said,you are mistake, what the person need to do is just to say out what he want.追问

