

第1个回答  2008-06-16
学好语法固然重要,但是学习英语的目的是要能够和欧美国家的人轻松地交流。所以快速的掌握学习英语的好方法,以尽快学好英语。看看你能看对几个? 1. abandon oneself to:(v pron prep)vt give oneself up completely to passion纵情于,沉湎于,恣意: He abandoned himself to despair.他陷于绝望之中。 After her mother died,she abandoned herself to grief.母亲去世以后,她沉湎于悲痛之中。 The sailors abandoned themselves to drinking.水手们恣意饮酒。 2. mingle with:(v prep)vt 1.(cause to) mix with(sth)(使)同(某物)混合: Tears mingled with the blood from the cut on his face.泪水同他面部伤口流出的鲜血交织在一起。Shall I mingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones? 我把一些兰色花同粉色花混在一起,好吗? Water and alcohol may mingle with each other in any proportions.水和酒精可按任何比率互相混合。 3. mock at:(v prep)vt(fus)make fun of; make unkind remarks about(sb or sth)嘲笑,嘲讽: It‘s rude to mock at a foreign student’s mistakes in speaking English.嘲笑外国学生在讲英语时所犯的错误是不礼貌的。 They mocked at hi ignorance.他们嘲笑他无知。At first the public mocked at the painter's works,but later they proved to be valuable.起初,公众嘲讽这位画家的作品,可后来这些都成了宝贵的作品。 4.my eye: s. an exclamation of surprise (表示吃惊)哎呀,我的天:(非正式用语) A diamond,my eye!That's glass!钻石,我的天!那是玻璃呀! “New”my eye;these are just revivals.“新的”,我的天哪,这都是些更生品。 5.see after:(v prep)vt(fus)take care of or take the responsibility for(sb or sth)照看,负责照料:(常用一般时态) She promised to see after the children when their mothers were on the night shift.她答应在孩子们的妈妈上夜班时照看这些孩子。 He hired a man to see after his flock.他雇了一个人照看他的羊群。 Who will see after the house when you are gone?你外出时将由谁负责照料这房子呢? Who is going to see after the visitors when they arrived?当客人到达后,由谁负责照料他们? 6. see after:(v prep)vt(fus)take care of or take the responsibility for(sb or sth)照看,负责照料:(常用一般时态) She promised to see after the children when their mothers were on the night shift.她答应在孩子们的妈妈上夜班时照看这些孩子。 He hired a man to see after his flock.他雇了一个人照看他的羊群。 Who will see after the house when you are gone?你外出时将由谁负责照料这房子呢? Who is going to see after the visitors when they arrived?当客人到达后,由谁负责照料他们? 7. see red:(v a)vi become very angry十分生气,发怒,(非正式用语,用一般时态) Cruel treatment of children always makes me see red.虐待儿童使我十分气愤。 I see red every time I hear him speak disrespectfully to the old man.每当我听到他对那老者出言不逊时,就十分生气。 8. see through:3.work until(sth)is finished把(某项工作)干完,办完(某事));(非正式用语,用一般时态)We are going to see the work through.我们要把这项工作做完。Once Charles started a job,he saw jit through till is was finished.查理无论做什么事,只要开始做,就非做完不可。 9. shout down:(v ad)vt(sep)make it impossible for a speaker to be heard(eg at a meeting)by shouting,jeering,etc very loudly大声叫喊以压倒某人的声音: The crowd shouted the speaker down.群众大声喊叫压倒了演讲人的声音。 They are trying to shout down the opposition.他们企图用叫喊声压倒反对派。 The chairman attempted to call for order,but he was shouted down.主席想让大家守秩序,但他的话被叫喊声压下去了。 10.28 shut down:(v ad) v 1.close(sth such as a window)把(窗子等)关上: We shut down all the windows when the storm began.我们在暴风雨来临时把所有的窗子都关好了。 He shut the lid of the box down with a loud noise.他大声地把箱子盖关上。