

第1个回答  2014-05-17
Anti-side: can be rebuilt
1, Germany, Russia Russia palace was destroyed by the germans, determined to rebuild the Russian; In retaliation, the palace, the russians destroyed Germany germans also resolutely reconstruction; The entire leveled by the germans during world war ii, Warsaw, no polish said reconstruction is too expensive, the whole city of Warsaw were rebuilt... Poles are forgotten history? Jin Ge temple burned down, the Japanese rebuilt immediately, now you can see the beauty of it... According to the Chinese, it's fake antiques? ... Why are you going to criticize the fake antiques, not interest, no archeological sites in the world do not need to continue to repair. If repair even fake antiques, all sites are fake antiques. In the future, tour to the Summer Palace, is really remember this shame? Or another kind of shame: China can fix it. Art cannot overcome hatred? Shame to in this way can remember, this itself is a disgrace. The old Summer Palace map of 40 landscape by the French national library "take". And the Chinese old Summer Palace in the mind of Chinese is almost a blank... A blank... .
2, although China has beautiful landscapes, famous mountains and great rivers, there are many historic sites and scenic spots and historical sites, but overall, China's tourism industry and service industry is relatively backward in western developed countries, we are more in the "glide", for its people, facing the ruins, monuments may have more feelings and interests, but for the foreigner don't understand Chinese history and culture, is not that interested, now that China has been wto entry, we need an international perspective of international vision, some new miracle in the "line", like rebuilding yuanmingyuan, which will produce a great impact and appeal, and that is the opportunity, is the new profit growth point, which is once suffering can give in the present, and future generations of the largest and the most practical value, and this, is the history, the best remembered for the pain. After new yuanmingyuan, already has a "good looks", and has a history of the vicissitudes of life and thick, an external, a potential, this is the real brokeback Venus, is the real "incomplete beauty". As long as a reasonable budget, and scientific "input - output control," the old Summer Palace will certainly is a reasonably project not do more harm than good. I don't know why there are so many people think impassability, emotional wound don't come, I would rather believe they just because of laziness and never use mind.
3, such as the Summer Palace is a comprehensive, summary of the building, it is not only a combination of north and south of the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign and garden art, it is also a combination of literature, architecture, politics, and many other fields of art, it is not only the epitome of the feudal empire, it's coming from one thousand art extraction and enrichment, it is like to allocate the BGF of "ku" kangxi dictionary, even ruin is broken, history will have to someone such integration and summarized, even make reprint again! With the demise of the feudal empire, many excellent traditional art also perish, such as the ancient architecture, these things, while we are still remaining in memory, just a subjective we "think" again, still early for good, not really forgotten, even if the future is strong enough, the strength of a country is at that time already can't. To sum up, for the continuation of the Chinese art, for history in mind, for the benefit of the reality, the Chinese, have to rebuild the damaged historic sites. This is not a simple pieces, but the phoenix Nie XiJinQianHua rock, it will shine, but more to protect themselves.
第2个回答  2013-12-30
Shi Tonghui is a pig . He and Egg fall in love .Because they chat name is 迷and茫
第3个回答  2013-12-30
你想偷懒啊。 找打是吧