
其实我是玩游戏没去,各位 要英语好点的谢谢了!

第1个回答  2013-03-27
It is two weeks since you went to Beijing for medical treatment. I miss you very much. How are things with you? Are you feeling better ? the teacher and our classmates ask me to send you their best regards . We all hope you’ll get well and be back soon.
Don’t worry about your health and take it easy. It is nothing serious. You’ve got good doctors and are having good treatment. You are sure to get well soon. Don’t worry about your lessons We’ll try our best to help you when you are bake at school. I’m sure you ‘ll catch up with us in a very short time.
Best wishes, 谢谢
第2个回答  2013-03-27
那你就和老师好好解释:老师,我陪同学去医院看病了,他的了肠癌,老师你如果不相信的话你可以问他。 完事儿了呗。
第3个回答  2013-03-27