

第1个回答  2013-03-30
1.in a word,that book is worth reading.(worth doing值得做某事)
2.Tom should correct his mistakes though his work still exist(full of)mistakes (though表转折,虽然)
3.That hospital is in need of nurse and experienced doctor。(in need of 需求)
4.I have a chance to go abroad to study.(have chance to do sth 有机会做某事)

5.Lucy doesn't know where tom lives.( doesn't 后面是一个从句)
6.Could you tell me whether he has gone to Beijing or not?(疑问句或者否定句中要用whether)
例:I can tell you whether tom has gone to shanghai(or not). whether or not 是固定搭配
第2个回答  2013-03-30
In a word, that book worths reading.

Tom should have corrected his mistakes, but his homework remains many mistakes.

That hospital is short of nurses and experienced doctors.

I have a chance to study abroad.

Lucy dosen't know where Tom lives.

You can tell me whether he has gone to Beijing or not.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-03-30
1 Semua dalam semua, buku ini layak dibaca.
2.Tom harus memperbaiki kesalahannya, namun pekerjaannya penuh dengan kesalahan.
3 rumah sakit kekurangan perawat dan dokter yang berpengalaman.
Saya memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar di luar negeri.
5.Lucy saya tidak tahu untuk Tom hidup.
Anda bisa katakan apakah dia pernah ke Beijing atau tidak.
第4个回答  2013-03-30
1.In a word ,that book is worth reading.
2.Tom should rectify his mistakes, but his homework is still full of wrongs.
3.That hospital is lack of nurses and experienced doctors.
4.I have a chance to go abroad to study.
5.Lucy doesn't know where Tom lives.
6.Can you tell me whether he has already gone to BeiJing before or not.
第5个回答  2013-03-30
1 to make a long story short, the book is worth reading.2.Tom should correct his mistakes, but his work is full of mistakes.The lack of nurses in the hospital and 3 experienced doctors.4 I have an opportunity to study abroad.5.Lucy Tom not to live.6 can you tell me whether he has been to Beijing, or not.