
我的第一份工作女士们,先生们 大家好: 很高兴在这里跟大家一起分享我的快乐。 作为一个小学英语老师我感到很荣幸,也很快乐! 记得我大学刚毕业的时候,就业压力很大,面对社会,我不知道该怎么选择,有点彷徨,好多时候跟同学都做着同样的事---面试再面试,不是公司看不上我,就是我看不上公司,就这样过了好长一段时间。慢慢的我都有点麻木了,直到在不经意间接到父亲的一个电话。父亲是一位老教师,对我一直都很关心。我当时的处境想必父亲很清楚,但是,他什么建议也没有给我,就挂了电话。父亲平时很尊重我的选择。接完父亲的电话,我不知不觉就回忆起父亲以前的生活与工作。冥冥之中,我的心里就有了答案,我要做什么?我喜欢做什么?接着我很兴奋的告诉我的同学,我的决定----当一名小学老师。同学为我决定不以为然,但我很开心。不久我就应聘到中心小学英语老师的职位。在那里,我收获了快乐!当我第一次站在讲台上,看着那一双双纯真而又渴望的眼神,我有点感动。我对自己说一定要像父亲那样做一个好老师。我带三一班和三二班的英语。开始我教同学们简单的句子、英标、语法。是按照传统的方法授课。但到了期中考试结束后我发现效果不是很好,因为看到成绩单,有一部分同学的脸上露出了沮丧的表情。有好几天我都在考虑这个问题-----怎么才能让同学们都开心的学习英语并取得好成绩?接下来的授课我就有所改变了。我经常给同学们讲一些英语笑话或者国外的谚语,发现那些小脑瓜都很开心,我也乐了。再后来等到了四年级,我就要他们自己给同学们讲英语小故事或妙语.,每个人都有机会,每个人都很兴奋!当然回报我的是---同学们个个都对学习英语很感兴趣。并且在毕业考试后我们有一个开心的茶话会,因为我的学生都顺利的毕业了,并且取得了全县第二的好成绩!我为自己的改变而高兴,为自己有如此棒的学生而骄傲!今天我很开心的在这里跟大家一起分享我的真确的选择-----为兴趣而选择工作是多么快乐的一件事啊。很高兴在这里跟大家一起分享我的快乐。

第1个回答  2013-01-19
My First Job

Ladies and gentlemen: It's my honour to be here to share my happiness with you. As a English teacher of a primary school, I feel so happy and with great honour. Still remember when I just graduated from the university, I feel so confused facing the career stress and didn't know how to choose. Most of the time, I attended one interview after another just like my schoolmates. However, it was either I didn't meet the company's requiments or the opposite. This situation lasted for a long time and gradually I became sackless until I got a call from my farther Inadvertently. My farther is an experienced teacher and always is concerned about me. He knew my situation at that time, but he hang the telephone without giving me any advice. Then, suddenly, I thought I had the answer about what I want to do and what I like. Then I told my friend excitedly my decision about being a primary teacher. My friend didn't appriciate it, but I was still happy. Soon I was employed as an English teacher of a primary school. There, I received great happiness! The first time I standed in front of the childrens, I was moved by looking into the clean and wishful eyes. I said to myself :" to be a good teacher just like dad ". I gave English class to Class1 and 2 in grade 3. In the very beginning, I taught pronociation, grammar and sentences to my students in a traditional way. But I found it not very effective after the mid-term examination because some of the students looked so said after viewing their transcripts. For a few days I was thinking about how to let students learn English happily and also get a satisfied score. Then I changed my teaching style. I often said some English jokes or sayings in class and we were all happy. Then came the year of Grade 4, I asked the students to tell some short English stories and witticisms to their classmates. Everyone had the chance and they were all excited! Of course my reward was the great enthusiasm of the students. After the graduation exam, we had a get-together party in congratulation to their guaduation and top2 among all the schools in town. I was glad for my chance and was pride of having so many outstanding students! Today I'm happy to be here and share my real experience. It's a really corret and joyful thing to choose the job based on one's personal intresets. Thanks again for sharing my happiness.

第2个回答  2013-01-17
My first job ladies and gentlemen hello: very glad to stand here to share my happiness. As a primary school English teacher I feel very honored to, also very happy! Remember I'm just finishing college, the employment pressure is very big, in the face of the society, I don't know how to choose, a little loss, a lot of time with students are doing the same thing - interview to interview, not the company, which I don't like my standards were company, was like this for a long time. Slowly I numb, until in casual indirect to father a phone call. Father is an old teacher, for I have been very concerned about. I was in father must be very clear, but he also did not give me any suggestion, he hung up the phone. father 给个分吧