

第1个回答  2023-08-24



1、The cheat sheet guides you step-by-step through the whole process.步骤说明书指导您逐步地通过整个过程。

2、The accountant has prepared a balance sheet for the first half - year会计已准备好上半年的资产负债表。

3、Ten minutes later Molly comes back. Her face is as white as sheet as if she encountered a ghost.过了十分钟,她回来了,脸色难看极了,像刚刚遇见鬼一样。

4、I wanna sheet on my bed.我想要我的床上有床单。

5、A photographic log sheet should be made showing locations where evidence is found.摄影记录表应作出显示的地点发现的证据。

6、The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed.小男孩正在学怎样给床铺被单。

7、The sheet tore as she pulled it out of the typewriter.当她把纸从打字机上抽出时,它破了。

8、To convert(cotton or other fibers) into a sheet or layer.将(棉花,纤维)变成薄片将(棉花或其它纤维)梳成一块或一层。

9、No more.There are quilt,bed sheet and hospital pajama in the ward.不用了。病房里备有被子,床单和病服。

10、She has traced the touring map onto a sheet of paper.她已经把旅游图映描在一张纸上。

11、A sheet containing two layers of nanotubes is a capacitor.由两层纳米管道的组成的平板就成为了一个电容器(每一层就如同一个极板)。

12、This isn't his first offense. He has a rap sheet a mile long.这不是他第一次犯罪,他前科累累。