Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:

The term papers were very brief. They were better than I had expected.
The term papers were very brief but they were better than I had expected,对吗?

第1个回答  2021-09-27
第2个回答  2021-09-27
这个题目是要求把两个句子用连词连接起来,用but没有问题,当然还可以在句子开头用Although,句子写成:Although the term papers were very brief, they were better than I expected.
第3个回答  2021-09-28


如果是考试答卷,在我看来能得一半分就是好的,理由是but的使用不当:very brief不仅没有丝毫贬义,而且通常是含有褒义的(与short不同,brief常译成“简短”),所以跟后面具有褒义的分句连接时,应该用并列连词and而非but.


1. The term papers were very brief and they were better than I had expected. (学期论文都很短小,而且都比我期待/想象的要好)

2. Although the term papers were very brief, they were better than I had expected.(虽然…,但是…)

3. Whereas the term papers were very brief, they were…expected.(尽管…,但是…)
