

第1个回答  2024-04-26
北京位于中国的北部,华北平原的北边。 The city is positioned in the north of China, on the northern edge of the North China Plain.
北京东邻天津,其余三面与河北相邻。 The city is east of Tianjin and is bordered by Hebei on the other three sides.
北京的核心地理坐标为东经116°20'、北纬39°56'. The core of Beijing is located at the longitude 116°20' east and latitude 39°56' north.
北京是世界著名的古城,也是智能化国际城市,是中国共产党中央委员会、中华人民共和国中央人民政府和中华全国人民代表大会常务委员会的办公所在地。 Beijing is a world-renowned ancient city and an international smart city, serving as the office location for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
北京的地势西北高、东南低。 The terrain of Beijing is higher in the northwest and lower in the southeast.
城市的西部、北部和东北部三面环山,东南部是一片慢慢向渤海倾斜的平原。 The western, northern, and northeastern parts of the city are surrounded by mountains, while the southeastern part is a gradually sloping plain that extends to the Bohai Sea.
主要流经地区的河流有永定河、潮白河、北运河、拒马河等,这些河流多由西北部山地起源,越过高山峻岭,向东南蜿蜒流过平原地区,最终各自汇入渤海。 The main rivers passing through the area include the Yongding River, the Chaobai River, the Bei Canal, and the Ju Ma River, which originate from the mountainous areas in the northwest, wind through the high and steep mountains, and flow southeastward through the plains, eventually joining the Bohai Sea.
北京的气候属于暖温带半湿润半干旱季风气候。 Beijing's climate is classified as a warm temperate semi-humid and semi-arid monsoon climate.
夏天高温多雨,冬天严寒干燥,春、秋短暂。 Summers are hot and rainy, while winters are cold and dry, with brief springs and autumns.
全年无霜期180~200天,西部山区稍短。 The frost-free period throughout the year is between 180 to 200 days, slightly shorter in the western mountainous areas.
2007年的平均降水量为483.9毫米,是东北地区降水最多的地区之一。 In 2007, the average precipitation was 483.9 millimeters, making it one of the regions with the highest rainfall in the Northeast.
降雨季节分配不均,全年降雨的80%集中在夏天6、7、8三个月,7、8月有暴雨。 Rainfall is unevenly distributed throughout the year, with 80% of the annual rainfall concentrated in June, July, and August, and heavy rain is common in July and August.
北京的太阳辐射量全年平均值为112~136千卡/平方厘米。 The average solar radiation in Beijing throughout the year is between 112 to 136 kilocalories per square centimeter.
两个高值区分别位于延庆盆地及密云县西北部至怀柔东部一带,年辐射量均在135千卡/平方厘米以上;低值区位于房山区的霞云岭周边,年辐射量为112千卡/平方厘米。 There are two high-value areas located in the Yanqing Basin and the northwestern part of Miyun County to the eastern part of Huairou, with annual radiation levels above 135 kilocalories per square centimeter; the low-value area is around Xiaoyun Ridge in Fangshan District, with an annual radiation level of 112 kilocalories per square centimeter.
北京年平均日照时长在2000~2800小时之间。 The average annual sunshine duration in Beijing is between 2000 to 2800 hours.
最高值在延庆县和古北口. The highest values are recorded in Yanqing County and Gu Beikou.