CorelDRAW 9.0 打不开,打开就是提示MEM_BAD_POINTER错误。到底是哪里出问题。卸载重装了N次。注册表里也改了。清理了。还是不行。快要疯了。急需啊。用CorelDRAW12我快用哭了。麻烦有经验和能力的帮忙一下小弟、、、拜谢了。

第1个回答  2008-12-09
是 xp sp2 中的一个bug引起SmartHeap运行库出错,见

As of 11/09/04 we have available a SmartHeap shw32.dll which checks to see if
MEM_BAD_POINTER error is due to this service pack 2 bug. If it is, then by
default SmartHeap will not report the error to the desktop. Note that this is
not a true fix: a fix is beyond are capability, since the problem is in a
Microsoft DLL. But in most cases the error is benign, so if the error message
is suppressed, users won't be aware of it.
Send an email to [email protected] if you want to receive one of these
modified SmartHeap DLLs.

你可以向 [email protected] 索取一个新的 shw32.dll 来消除这个提示框,不过仅仅

消除提示框而已,bug 仍然存在。

为了方便懒人,我已经把 shw32 放在 76.151 的 /incoming/Temp/temp/ 目录下了,解
开替换 Rational\Rose\ 下的那个即可。
第2个回答  2008-12-11