

第1个回答  2022-11-03



致: (员工部门名称)



我们的纪录显示你在过去(多少星期/月)内, 于(迟到/旷工的日期), 迟到/旷工共(次数), (可以讲番一两次的严重case, 例如: 其中两次迟到更达一小时以上), 严重违反公司员工守则。

为此, 公司现给予第(次数: 一, 二或最后)次书面警告, 以示警戒; 并希望您在三个月内有所改善, 否则公司将会采取进一步的纪律处分。

(签署, 盖印)

(日期: 年月日)
副本送: (有关员工的直属上司的职衔和姓名)


(English Version)
Our Reference:

(Date of Issue)

(Name of staff)
(Title and working department)

Dear Mr/Ms/Miss (Surname of staff),

Warning: Unsatisfactory Performance

Our records show that you have been late for work / absence from work without notification to the pany (how many times) times in the past (period, such as o weeks, three months, etc), on (the late / absence from working without notification date), which on (number of occasions) for over o hours). You are seriously disobey our staff regulations.

For the above reasons you are hereby given a (first / second / final) formal warning by the pany. Corresponing imporvements are expected within three months from this warning. You are therefore to observe the regulation strictly or otherwise, further disciplinary actions will be taken.

Yours sincerely,

(Signature and chop)

(Name of Boss / Head of Personnel Department)
(Title of the post)
(Department of the pany)

c.c. (the name and title - the superior of the staff, such as T M Chan, Accounting Officer),参考: Self Working Experience in HR Field,