

第1个回答  2022-10-19
方法学 (又称为方法论;希腊语:μεθοδολογία) 的定义是 一门学问采用的方法、规则与公理; 一种特定的做法或一套做法;或 在某种知识的领域上,对探索知识的原则或做法而作之分析(梅里厄姆-韦伯斯特词典)。 方法学意味着的通用概念就是:在某一门学问或所要探索的知识领域上,对所使用之个别方法加以整合、比较探讨与批判。 方法 大多数科学学问都有它们各自的特定方法;学问的方法学包括能够支持这些方法之准确性的原理。 在软件工程与专案管理中,方法学通常是指一系列编撰好的建议方法,有时还包括训练材料、正规教育性程序、工作表和图像工具。与其被称为方法学,这些概念比较适合叫作方法。 2010-05-20 16:38:57 补充: Methodology can be: "the *** ysis of the principles of methods
and postulates employed by a discipline"; "the systematic study of methods that are
can be
or have been applied within a discipline". 2010-05-20 16:39:22 补充: Concept Methodology may be a description of process
or may be expanded to include a philosophically coherent collection of theories
concepts or ideas as they relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry 2010-05-20 16:40:02 补充: Methodology may refer to nothing more than a simple set of methods or procedures
or it may refer to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study relative to the scientific method. 2010-05-20 16:41:13 补充: Research needs valuable resources such as money
manpower and machines to get the work done effectively to minimize input value for a unit value of output and the return-on-investment. 2010-05-20 16:41:56 补充: • Finance
Budgeting and Investment: o Cash flow *** ysis
long-range capital requirements
investments policies
dividend policies
e o Credit policies
credit risks and various account procedures such as deposits and withdrawal. 2010-05-20 16:42:45 补充: • Purchasing
Procurement and Exploration: o Determining the quantity and time of purchase of raw materials
e o Rules for buying and supplying products under varying prices. o Bidding and equipment replacement policies. 2010-05-20 16:42:57 补充: o Determining the quantities and timings of purchases of finished products. o Strategies for exploration and exploitation of new material sources. • Production Management: o This includes physical distribution of products and planning of manufacturing. Physical Distribution
参考: wiki
methodology是方法学 方法学 (又称为方法论;希腊语:μεθοδολογία) 的定义是一门学问采用的方法、规则与公理; 一种特定的做法或一套做法;或 在某种知识的领域上,对探索知识的原则或做法而作之分析(梅里厄姆-韦伯斯特词典)。 方法学意味着的通用概念就是:在某一门学问或所要探索的知识领域上,对所使用之个别方法加以整合、比较探讨与批判。 方法 大多数科学学问都有它们各自的特定方法;学问的方法学包括能够支持这些方法之准确性的原理。 在软件工程与专案管理中,方法学通常是指一系列编撰好的建议方法,有时还包括训练材料、正规教育性程序、工作表和图像工具。与其被称为方法学,这些概念比较适合叫作方法。 相关连结dictionary.reference/browse/methodology
参考: wiki
Methodology may be a description of process
or may be expanded to include a philosophically coherent collection of theories
concepts or ideas as they relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry Methodology may refer to nothing more than a simple set of methods or procedures
or it may refer to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study relative to the scientific method. For example
scholarly literature often includes a section on the methodology of the researchers.