

第1个回答  2022-11-02
一、详细释义: , adj. , 活动着的,使用着的,工作着的,开着的,接通的 , 例句: ,Is the water on or off?,自来水龙头开着还是关着?, 在发生的 , 例句: ,She had no idea of what's on.,她不知道发生了什么。, 例句: ,There's a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment.,此刻在温布尔登正进行着一场精彩的比赛。, 正在放映(或演出等)的 , 例句: ,They are teenagers plaining there's nothing good on.,他们是一羣抱怨没有好节目看的青少年。, 【英】【口】愿意参加的,同意的;被接受的;有效的,行得通的 , 例句: ,I believe they will be on at that time.,我相信他们到时候会同意的。, 【口】(菜肴等)菜单上有的,供应的 , 例句: ,Make sure the dishes are already on when the guests e.,当客人到时,保证菜品已经上齐。, 【俚】了解的,知情的 , 例句: ,Is he on about the issue?,他了解那件事吗?, 【美】【俚】醉了的,微醉的 , 例句: ,He had little wine but he seemed on.,他喝得不多不过看起来有些醉了。, adv. , (放、盖、穿、连接等)上 , 例句: ,I know how to sew a button on.,我知道怎么缝上扣子。, 例句: ,He put his coat on while she opened the front door.,她打开前门时,他穿上了他的外套。, 向前,(继续)下去 , 例句: ,Drive on for a kilometre; then take a right turn.,向前开一公里;然后向右转。, 例句: ,A tear in the eye of Friederike spurred me on to continue.,符瑞德利克眸子里的一滴眼泪,激励我继续说下去。, 以后 , 例句: ,We must study harder from now on.,从今以后我们必须更努力学习。, 例句: ,From now on they could count on us.,从今以后,他们尽可信赖我们。, 忙得很(或没什么可忙) , 例句: ,Her lively youngsters keep her on.,她的那些活泼好动的孩子使她忙个不停。, 例句: ,I have a lot on in the next week.,我下周特别忙。, prep. , 在...上 , 例句: ,He threw the box on the table with a thump.,他砰的一声把盒子扔在桌子上。, 例句: ,He left this car on the road in front of the house.,他把他的汽车停在房子前面的马路上。, 在...里 , 例句: ,He lives on the campus.,他在学校里住。, 例句: ,Sometimes he had to do his work on his own time.,有时候他要在非工作时间里加班。, 靠近,在...旁,沿着 , 例句: ,The newly built plant abuts on the highway.,新建的工厂靠近公路。, 例句: ,Don't turn here, stay on the same road.,别在这里转弯,沿原路走下去。, 向,朝 , 例句: ,He gave the rogue a *** ash on the jaw.,他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。, 例句: ,He avoided a truck which bore down on him from one side.,他避开了侧面朝他开来的一辆卡车。, 针对,对着 , 例句: ,His eye, bent on me, expressed at once stern surprise and keen inquiry.,他的眼光正着对我,既表示出严厉的惊奇又表示出锐利的询问。, 例句: ,Once I went by Henry's office and heard him yelling on the phone.,有一次,我经过亨利的办公室,听到他对着电话大叫大嚷。, 凭,靠,根据,以...为基础 , 例句: ,Henry had made his decision to fire me on impulse.,亨利作出解雇我的决定是凭一时冲动行事。, 例句: ,He could not support his family on his meager salary.,他靠微薄的工资无法养家。, 处于...情况中,在从事...中 , 例句: ,You should fix your attention on what you are doing.,你应该专心于你所从事的工作。, 例句: ,The captured tiger was on the rampage for several days.,捕获的老虎几天来一直处于狂躁不安中。, 在...的时候,和...同时 , 例句: ,Here the local were always barbered at this hour on this day.,原来本地人老是在这一天这个时候这个地方理发。, 例句: ,When were you born? I was born on August 1st, 1988.,你什么时候出生的? 我出生在1988年8月1日。, 关于,论及 , 例句: ,He did an article on marketing.,他写了一篇关于销售的文章。, 例句: ,His book on history contains many references to Gee Washington.,他的那部历史书有很多处论及乔治·华盛顿。, 为...目的 , 例句: ,I have been thinking every day of ing to you on the very same errand.,我一直每天都在想为了同样的目的到您那儿去呢。, 由于,因为 , 例句: ,The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver.,这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。, 例句: ,You can't stop going with an old friend on account of rumors.,你不能因为谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往。, 是...的成员,在...供职 , 例句: ,A number of distinguished professors sat on this mittee.,许多有名的教授都是该委员会的成员。, 例句: ,He was once a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel.,他曾是个被授权在舰船上某一权威职位上供职的人。, 通过,以...的方式 , 例句: ,The quartermaster rang up the order on the engine room telegraph.,航信士官通过机舱令钟传达了命令。, 例句: ,We will conclude the business on a cash basis.,我们将以现金交易的方式成交。, 【口】由...支付 , 例句: ,It is all on the house.,费用全由敝店支付。, 例句: ,All the expenses fall on me.,全部费用由我支付。, 带…在身上 , 例句: ,Can't I carry it on me?,我就不可以把枪带在身上吗?, 例句: ,Mary happened not to have any money on her .,玛丽正巧身上没带钱。, , 例句: ,Most flashlights work on o batteries.,大多数的手电筒用两节电池。, 例句: ,Weave all pieces on the same loom.,用千篇一律的笔调写。, 二、词义辨析: , above,on,over ,这些前置词均含“在……上”之意。above一般指位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,也不接触另一物,其反义词是below。on指与另一物表面相接触。over指一物在另一物的垂直上方,多暗示悬空,但也含“覆盖于……之上”之意。其反义词是under。, 三、词义辨析: , at,in,on ,这些前置词在表示地点或时间时均含“在……”之意。at表地点时,指空间位置上的某一点;表时间时,指在时间上的某一时刻。in表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内;表时间时,指一段时间或与年、月、季节时间连用。on表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等;表时间时,指在某一天或某一天的某个时间,尤指在星期几。, 四、相关短语: ,act on,v.对...起作用,按...行动,作用于,add on,另外加上去,and so on,ph. 1.等等;诸如此类,bear down on,v.施压加力于...,冲向,袭击,bear on,v.对…施加压力,有关,瞄准,bet on,就…打赌,打…的赌,border on,v.1.邻近,接界 2.近乎,bring on,1.引起,build on,建立在…的基础上,burst in on,突然打断;突然出现在…面前,call on,1.拜访2.号召;请求,carry on,1. 从事;经营;进行;继续2.(尤指迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,坚持下去3.【口】举止放肆;举动愚蠢胡闹;吵闹4. 发怒;悲伤5. 喋喋不休地诉说6. 调情, 一、参考例句: ,Come on!,走吧!,We walked on and on.,我们一个劲儿地往前走。,Click on the link on our website.,在我们的网站上点击这个链接。,On your feet.,站起来。,Throw on a cardigan.,套件羊毛衫。,Prices keep on increasing.,价格在不断地上涨。,Chinese live on rice.,中国人以大米为主食。,Put on your coat!,把你的外套穿上!,What went on?,发生什么事了?,Come on, chill out.,行了,冷静点儿。
