你好老师,用英语写作文《我想成为一名护士》应该怎么写呢? 帮帮我

你好老师,用英语写作文《我想成为一名护士》应该怎么写呢? 帮帮我,谢谢!

第1个回答  2017-03-05
I am a student in a middle school now.Everyone in my class has a dream,including me. My dream is to be a nurse because I think nurse is a great job . People call nuses "angles wearing white" and nurses may help doctors rescure people. What's more being a nurse can be respected by many people. As a nurse, I can help the ill person and make them healthy. I think nurses are kind and helpful so I will be a good nurse in the future. From now on I must study hard. I do believe my dream will come true.本回答被网友采纳