leave behind是什么意思


第1个回答  2023-06-15

leave behind意思是永久离开


1、By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character.在看小说的时候,我可以放下负担进入一个神秘而奇妙的世界,还可以获得一个新的身份。

2、I really didn't have much to leave behind.His memory will always live. To leave behind unintentionally.他永远不会被人遗忘。我真的没有太多东西需要留下来。

3、And hope that whatever you leave behind has some value.Leave behind everything good and become a vampire?放弃所有美好的事物而成为一个吸血鬼呢?期望你所留下的都是有价值的。

4、We were supposed to leave behind us all human ties.I just know you from what you leave behind.我只知道你身后留下了什么我们本应该抛弃我们的人类情节。

5、Everybody's got something they had to leave behind.Leave behind a clean world for future generations.留给现位代一个净净的天球。每个人都得到某事他们对休假有臀部。