

第1个回答  2015-01-31
  他很惊讶地看到龙虾准备在他的船启航。 “龙虾”之称的螃蟹,“这是有勇无谋(有勇无谋的)冒险在这样的日子。 ” “也许是这样”龙虾说, “但我喜欢暴风在海上! ” “我会跟你一起去”螃蟹说。
  “我不会让你独自面对这种危险。 ”龙虾和螃蟹开始了他们的旅程。不久,他们发现自己远远没有岸。他们的船被抛起和挨打受动荡的水域。 “螃蟹! ”喊龙虾风的怒吼以上。 “对我来说,盐雾飞溅是惊心动魄!每波的崩溃需要我的呼吸”龙虾,我认为我们正在下沉“哭蟹。不得不承认,这一天已经愉快地与众不同。 ”是的,当然,我们正在下沉,说:“龙虾,”这老船是千疮百孔。有魄力,我的朋友。请记住,我们是大海的两种生物。 “小小船倾覆并沉没。 ”恐怖! “哭螃蟹。 ”下来,我们走! “喊龙虾的螃蟹被动摇和不安。龙虾把他休闲沿着洋底走路了。
  “我们如何勇敢的,说:”龙虾, “多么奇妙的冒险,我们有过的螃蟹开始感觉更好一些。 ”虽然他uauslly享受一个安静的存在,他不得不承认,这一天有一直愉快地与众不同。
  英文版:The Crab and the Lobster
  On a stormy day, the crab went strolling along the beach.
  He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. "Lobster," said the crab, "it is foolhardy(有勇无谋的) to venture out on a day like this."
  "Perhaps so," said the lobster, "but I love a squall at sea!" "I will come with you," said the crab. "I will not let you face such danger alone."
  The lobster and the crab began their voyage. Soon they found themselves far from shore.
  Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters. "Crab! " shouted the lobster above the roar of the wind. "For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling! The crashing of every wave takes my breath away "Lobster, I think we are sinking" cried the crab. had to admit that the day had been pleasantly out of the ordinary.
  "Yes, of course, we are sinking," said the lobster. "This old boat is full of holes. Have courage, my friend. Remember, we are both creatures of the sea."
  The little boat capsized and sank. "Horrors!" cried the crab. "Down we go!" shouted the lobster. The crab was shaken and upset.
  The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor. "How brave we are," said the lobster, "What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better."
  Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had been pleasantly out of the ordinary.