There be 结构的句子,中文翻译是没有什么什么,肯定否定句,可数不可数,都要


第1个回答  2012-01-05
There is an apple on the tree .(单数)
There aren't any apples on the tree.(可数名词)
There are some apples on the table. (可数名词)
There is some water in the bottle.(不可数名词无复数)
There isn't any water in the bottle.
There are many people around the world.(people是可数名词,单复数同形。)
Are there any people around the world?
There is a pear and two bananas in the box. (就近原则)
There are two bananas and a pear in the box.(就近原则)
There be 结构句型是:
There be +主语+....... 主语是单数或者是不可数,be 为is,其他为are(不可数名词无复数)。
some 用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑问句中。some/a lot of用于可数名词、不可数名词前,都可以;many用于可数名词前;much用于不可数名词前。
第2个回答  2011-12-28
there is a cool boy sitting under that tree.有个帅帅的男孩,坐在树底下。
there are many people around the world,世界上,有很多人。
there wii be a rainny day tomorrow.明天将要下雨。(这是一般将来时的there be 句型)追问



there isn't any+可数
there isn't some+不可数
举例子:there is not any milk in the bottle.瓶子里的奶都喝光了。
there are not some people around here.这里没有多少人。
其实,关于这个句型,的确属于初中最重要的句型。但我建议你,不要这么钻牛角尖,要多看课文和你平时阅读的英语文章里边的there be 句型的用法。时间长了。你就自然而然的会了、当时我的英语就是考全班第一的,但从来没看过什么语法,到了高中照样如此,我就是把精力用到多看阅读上边了,我承认,初中那会,我很爱钻牛角尖,常常把老师问的,就会给我说,只可言传,不可意会,是不是?我就觉得吧,上辅导班,认真听课,是很重要的。

第3个回答  2011-12-25
there is a apple on the table .
there isnt any apple on the table
there are a lot of apples on the table.追问


第4个回答  2011-12-24
there is not much money in my pocket.追问
