
1.狐假虎威后传 The fox and the tiger
2.彼德与狼 Peter and the wolf
4.四条龙 The four Gragons
5.海洋之家 Ocean Home (说一个龟宝宝被渔民捕捉,后通过众动物的帮 助被救回)
6.Three Silly Goats Gruff
7.爱让我快乐 Love makes me happy
8.猴子和鳄鱼 The monkey and the crocodile
9.我要成为福娃 I'm going to be a Fu Wa
10.春游奇遇记 Story of spring outing fortuitous meeting
11.小狮子找食物 I am hungry
12.小狮子找食物 I am hungry
13.礼物 Gifts
14.三打白骨精 Three times’beating monster
15.狐假虎威 The fox and the tiger
16.Pooh's first camping trip
17.零花钱 The pocket money
18.一个女孩和三只熊 A girl and three bears

第1个回答  2007-10-18

A: Hi, B, how r u?
B: Fine, thank you and you?
A: Oh, I'm good. And do you know the story of The fox and the tiger?
B: Of course, I was known that when I was very young.
A: Well, and now there is a follow one
A: Do you know another animal else is always mentioned in fables?
B: Is it wolf?
A: Yes! A wild animail can be human's friend but also can hurt us.
B: Then how about this wolf?
A: There is a great matter will be held in China.
B: Oh, yes! The Olympic Games!
A: Right, there are many people want to watch it but for me, I want to join it.
B: Really? Then which sports do you want to join in?
A: en...I'm good at swimming and I'm sure I can get a good mark!
B: Cool, and here is a person like you, he also want to join the Games 2008.
A: Hey, B, do you know what's the famous animal in Chinese mythology?
B: en...I think it should be dragon.
A: Right! And I'm sure you are heard many stories about it by the elders.
B: Of course and dragon is always called mascot, isn't it?
A: Yes, then let we watch the next program, "The four Gragons"
A: B, I think you should become a welfare worker; you have a vocation for helping people.
B: Ya, I think I will when I grow up and everyone should be pleasure in helping others.
A: I think so too.
第2个回答  2007-10-18
A: Hi, B, how r u?
B: Fine, thank you and you?
A: Oh, I'm good. And do you know the story of The fox and the tiger?
B: Of course, I was known that when I was very young.
A: Well, and now there is a follow one
A: Do you know another animal else is always mentioned in fables?
B: Is it wolf?
A: Yes! A wild animail can be human's friend but also can hurt us.
B: Then how about this wolf?
A: There is a great matter will be held in China.
B: Oh, yes! The Olympic Games!
A: Right, there are many people want to watch it but for me, I want to join it.
B: Really? Then which sports do you want to join in?
A: en...I'm good at swimming and I'm sure I can get a good mark!
B: Cool, and here is a person like you, he also want to join the Games 2008.
A: Hey, B, do you know what's the famous animal in Chinese mythology?
B: en...I think it should be dragon.
A: Right! And I'm sure you are heard many stories about it by the elders.
B: Of course and dragon is always called mascot, isn't it?
A: Yes, then let we watch the next program, "The four Gragons"
A: B, I think you should become a welfare worker; you have a vocation for helping people.
B: Ya, I think I will when I grow up and everyone should be pleasure in helping others.
A: I think so too.

第3个回答  2007-10-15