

第1个回答  2022-11-01
Don't marry to be responsible. You know, it's the least responsible to marry someone who doesn't love them. Even if it was very sad at that time, it was better than making him sad for several years or even a lifetime.
Love is magical, it makes the mathematical law out of balance; two people share the pain, only half the pain; two people share one happiness, but two happiness.
My heart, you take it away with your eyes!
Not tall or handsome, no one loves the boss, the house has not been built, the car also wants to buy, for you only love, plus empty money bag, if married to me, only love like the sea!
Lonely night because of your insomnia, I lost my dream, but not from then on without dreams, but you still have dream
I just want to be with you forever, take care of you forever and never let you be bullied and hurt by others.
It's because I don't know anything about love. It's because I know little about love. It's because I'm fully aware of love.
如果 *** 规定一个人一生只能对一个人好,我情愿那个人就是你。我无怨无悔,至死不渝!但偏偏 *** 没规定……那就算了!
If the government stipulates that a person can only be good to one person in his life, I would rather that person be you. I have no regrets until I die! But the government doesn't prescribe... Forget it!
You can choose to leave. There's no need to pretend to be strong like me. Your heart hurts as much, isn't it? Do you think you're amazing? No, you're wrong. When you choose to pretend to be strong, you've lost!
I'm not a toy that you call to play.
We have to trade what we have for what we don't have.
Women seem to pay attention to the process of everything. When they are in love, they always enjoy the process of love. When they break up, they always like to toss the love that no longer exists back and forth.
Only at night do I know how embarrassed I am.
Honey, I've decided to sentence you to life imprisonment for your wife.
Miss you very much! Wait for you to have dinner!
Love a person is when dialing up the phone, suddenly don't know what to say, originally just want to listen to the familiar voice, originally really want to pull out only a string of their own heart when love comes, of course, is also happy.
Life is more than just loneliness. Loneliness is the theme of love forever. I am alone with my shadow. It said it had whispers to tell me. It said that it missed you very much. It turned out that my shadow and I were missing you.
I believe that the eternal sea breeze and waves will remember every detail of us! Maybe we can love two people at the same time, or three people, such as wife, lover, confidante and be loved by three people at the same time. Unfortunately, we can only stay together with one of them.
The furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but standing in front of you but not saying, "I love you".
Even if we are not together one day, we should be together. Because we said we would never forget each other.
Let's bury together! Disappear together!
Don't think of you, but think of you, don't want to dream of you, eyes closed but dream of you, don't want to talk about you, mouth move but talk about you, don't want to ignore you, hand move but sent you, just to say to you to take care of yourself!
The investment and production of love are never in proportion, and the sacrifice of wishful thinking always moves you!
Admit your selfishness, admit your unsatisfied vanity! But isn't everyone like this?
You are the wind, I am the sand, you are the toothpaste, I am the brush, you are the Hami, I am the melon, you do not love me, I commit suicide.
其实爱情好似洋葱头,你一片片剥下去总有一片会让你流泪。在这过程中你需要付出的是 *** 宽容和耐心。
In fact, love is like an onion. If you peel it off one by one, it will make you cry. What you need to give in the process is passion, tolerance and patience.
All dreams will be discounted in the face of reality, just hope the discount is not too low.
I often praise you for your beauty, for your loveliness, and for how you are, not because I really feel that way. Maybe beauty is in the eyes of lovers, maybe I don't have eyes, but that's what I think.
Many times I feel more like a mute. I feel sad but I bite my lips and don't talk.
Love is slow, time is fast. Loneliness is long and life is short and short. You are in a deep and deep loneliness, waiting for me who is stupid and stupid.
Love is a feeling, even pain will feel happy. Love is an experience, even if the heart will feel sweet. Love is an experience, even if the broken will feel beautiful.
You can still accept his imperfection with a *** ile and share the secret with him. This love can last longer.
Write down these, the heart suddenly very open, I was stronger than I imagined!
Not all vows can stand the test, not all love can stand the toss. Finally, the one who is hurt the most is the one who pays the most, and the one who is hurt the most is the one who is most proud.
I used to think that the greatest thing to love someone is to wait. Today I find again that the greatness of love, except waiting, is to accept.
I just don't want to give anyone a chance to be with you!
In fact, I also know that you love me in your heart, very much. Maybe it's because I care so much that I'm sensitive and scared.
There is no regret in death.
In the days without him, I began to change the reality and become vulnerable. Began to involuntarily close their hearts. I finally understand that emotion, like the open sky, can no longer be closed. And when the rain slipped through my face and turned into cold tears, I knew that the people who shared the umbrella with me had left me forever.
Excited to see your name; excited to hear your voice; repeatedly asked you to move out; afraid of their own reckless move; eh! I don't move when I see you.
It's said that marriage is the tomb of love, that's because before marriage, we are on the way to the tomb. Even if you don't marry, you'll break up in front of the grave. Why don't we break up first and head to the grave?
Love is a delusion that needs to be proved constantly, just as fireworks need to be lit to see brilliance.
Maybe I was laughing at that time, which made you think it might be a joke, but I want to tell you that I really have to say it honestly.
Don't lie to me, you know I will believe even your lies.
You leave this season, no sorrow. Only endless thoughts are growing.
When the perfect person is no longer perfect, when the supercilious person suddenly has concerns, then, the myth will no longer be a myth.
After sending you *** s, I feel sweet all over. Put down the mouse to think, today said I love you.
Men want to be women's first love, women want to be men's last love.