关于in favour of..


第1个回答  2022-11-10
IN FRONT OF 不一定要跟is/am/are. 可以跟 noun
adverb和其他的 verb (including verbal phrase). 我想至少有下列格式: (1) am/are/is/was/were + in favour of + someone/something I am (all) in favour of trying to find ways to save money. We are in favour of ine tax cut. (2) Action verb (including verbal phrase) + in favour of + someone/something 80% of the population voted in favour of the new regulation. (voted ~ verb) Shatin was rejected in favour of Aberdeen as the site for the new school. (was rejected ~verb) We would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man. (step aside ~ verbal phrase) They have e down very strongly in favour of the proposed merger. (e down ~ verbal phrase) “strongly”
an adverb
es before “in favour of”. (3) noun/pronoun (can be subject or object) + in favour of + …. Those in favour of the motion
please raise your hands now. (Those ~ subject) The chairman outlined the arguments in favour of the proposed changes. (argument ~ object) She gave up nursing in favour of a career as a pop singer. (nursing ~ object) (4) Other pattern: Peter
who had been left out on the morning of the match in favour of David
was absolutely upset. 2012-03-09 10:44:19 补充: Sorry
参考: Oxford English Dictionary
想问呢个 "in favor of" phrase 系咪一定要跟 is/am/are ? 吾系。 如果睇第一句...in favour of 系 verb? 吾系。 spoke 是 verb. 点解第一同第三句唔洗 is am are? 因为呢个 phrase 吾系一定要跟 is/am/are 。 不知道我这样是回答你了吗 ?