

第1个回答  2011-09-07

户口本 Household Register

户别 Residence Type 非农业家庭户口 Non-Agricultural Family
户主姓名 Name of Household
户号 Residence Number
住址 Address
West Zone No.1 Chang Feng, Residence Estate, Economic & Technology Development Zone, Weihai, Shandong
山东省公安厅 Shandong Provincial Public Security Department
户口专用 For Household Register Use
威海市公安局海澄路派出所 Haicheng Road Police Station, Weihai Municipal Public Security Department
承办人签章 Registrar
签发 Date of Issuance

常住人口登记卡索引表 Index of Residence Register
户口性质 Nature of Residence
人口变动情况 Register of Residence Change

常住人口登记卡 Information of Member
户主或与户主关系 Householder himself/herself or Relation to the Householder
曾用名 Former Name (if available)
出生地 Place of Birth
民族 Nationality 汉族 the Han nationality
籍贯 Ancestral Native Place
本市(县)其他住址 Other Residential Address in This City (County)
宗教信仰 无宗教信仰 Religious Belief: N/A
公民身份证件编号 Citizen ID Card No.
身高 Height
血型 Blood Group
文化程度 Educational Degree 初中 Middle School 中专或中技 Secondary Technical School 大学专科和专科学校 Higher Education
婚姻状况 Marital Status 已婚 Married 未婚 Single
兵役状况 Military Service Status 未服兵役 Not serviced
服务处所 Employer
职业 Occupation
何时由何地迁来本市(县) When and from Where Immigrated to this City (County)
因离、退休(市县外迁入)由陕西省汉中市汉台区迁来本市(县) Immigrated to this city (county) from Hantai District, Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province due to retirement
何时由何地迁来本址 When and from Where Moved in Current Residential Address
因投靠亲属(市县外迁入)由陕西省迁来本址 Moved in from Shaanxi Province to live with relatives
4、智慧 诚信 勇气 是成功的特质


第2个回答  2011-09-07
I always recall that happy life during I was in America.
I love reading novels, I spend many times to read novels at Sunday.
I will work hard for my future.
The best way to get respects is study hard.
Getting up early is a good habbit.
It is difficult for him to finish that work within one hour.
Once the school supplied us free lunch.
I like that extra job although it has lots of challenge.


请问怎样才能快速的记背单词 且长时间的不会忘

第3个回答  2011-09-07
1.I always remind the enjoyable experience in USA.
2I like reading novels.I spend a lot of time reading on sunday.
3.I will fight for my future.
4.Study hard is the best way to be respected.
5.It is a good habit to get up early.
6.It is difficult for him to finish this work in 1 hour.
7.We had a free lunch in school.
8.I like this extra work though it is challengeable.追问

请问怎样才能快速的记背单词 且长时间的不会忘

第4个回答  2011-09-07
1 I often recall the pleasant experience in the United States.
2 I like the novels so much that I spend a lot of time on reading in the Sundays.
3. I will strive for my future .
4. The best way to gain respect is to study hard.
5. Getting up early is a good habit.
6. It is a great difficulty for him to complete the work in one hour .
7. We used to have lunch for free in school.
8. I like the extra work although it is challenging .
第5个回答  2011-09-07
1、I often recall the joyful experience when i was in USA.
2、I spend too much time reading notes because l love it.
3、I will work hard for my future.
4、the best way to achieve respect is to make great efforts to study.
5、it is a good way to wake up eariler.
6、it is difficult for him to finish the work.
7、we used to had free lunch in school.
8、although the extra woke is chanllenged to me ,i love it.