

第1个回答  2013-12-17
There is absolutely no still water, even the Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn. You still can see glistening waves, flickering shadows of moon. How can you know the underwater world without the swelling of waves? Same as people. To look into most of people 's life in this world, is there anyone come and leave quietly? There should be some billows. Youth in life is like water, and myriad forms of water cannot be conculded by a word. In this time and this moment, I'm experiencing unfaced billows, but I have never thought to stop this moving like water. Because of my big thought, I'm keep moving forward like most of people and creatures in this world!
第2个回答  2013-12-17
It is as if time has no longer frozen upon the lake,no matter how still and monotonous by the side of its surrounding, it has always been waving and shinning like diamonds in the sky.
Yet, no matter how vicious the sea is, without coming across its wrath of roaring, you'll never comprehend to the course of its immensity.
Same can be said for human being, whoever is able to live on solely invariant line, without tasting bitter and sweet. The core of our being as to be human, is meant to challenge our life in the diversity of its alternation. Imagine how sad and pathetic it would be, if there is only one way to approach so-called life.
Right here this moment, I am confronting all those obstacles along my life path, but I know, I would never expect from mercy calling a chance for me to escape, rather I am up for these challenges as I have always been ready to! Because, I know that we are all going through this, despite how different we are.

手把手翻译,我的native friend 说我还写的不错 嘻嘻:P

望采纳, 祝开心 O(∩_∩)O本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-12-17
No standing water, even if the pinghu harvest moon, are visible sparkling, moon and graceful; Lift up the sea wave, how to know the bottom of the sea so is ten thousand people, investigate its all life time, who is calm shuttle back and forth? Will some waves in water, all water state, how a word clear water at this moment, I was experiencing a face never stir but I never want to end this kind of flowing water, because I know that I like with all flowing forward.
第4个回答  2013-12-17
There is no compeletely silent water in the world, even the one which is quiet and under the moon shadow. Lake is always glinting and reflecting the moon on its surface. People would never know the depth of ocean if it doesn't exposure billows to the world. So do people, and who can eventually be forth and back harmoniously? Disturbance is there. Years flow, just like the running water. And now, I am experiencing the billows but never trying to stop, since I know, from deep within, I flow with all beings