

第1个回答  2022-06-18
a. 把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语.
b. 把谓语变成被动结构(be+过去分词) ,并根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式.
c. 把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格.在无须说明动作的执行者或只强调动作的承受者时,by短语可以省略.例如:
All the people laughed at him. →He was laughed at by all people.
They make the bikes in the factory. →The bikes are made by them in the factory.
He broke the cup. →The cup was broken by him.
He was born in 1986. 他生于1986年.
What is this flower called? 这种花叫什么花?
主动句:My father wrote the book.我父亲写了这本书.
被动句:The book was written by my father.这本书是我父亲写的
主动句:Our village has built a plastic factory.我们村已经建了一座塑料厂.
被动句:A plastic factory has been built in our village.一座塑料厂在我们村建成了.
主动句:He gave me a dictionary.他给了我一本词典.
被动句:I was given a dictionary by him.
被动句:A dictionary was given(to)me by him.词典是他给我的.
主动句:He teaches us English.他教我们英语.
被动句:We are taught English by him.
被动句:English is taught(to)us by him.英语是他教我们的.
主动句:We made him our group leader.我们让他当了我们组长.
被动句:He was made our group leader.他被选为我们的组长.
主动句:They chose Mr.Li their doctor in 1987.1987年他们选李先生当他的医生.
被动句:Mr.Li was chosen their doctor in 1987.1987年李先生被选为他们的医生.
主动句:We saw him enter the classroom.我们看见他进了教室.
被动句:He was seen to enter the classroom.他被看见走进了教室.
主动句:He made the boy sit down.他使那孩子坐下.
被动句:The boy was made to sit down.那孩子被迫坐下.
主动句:She often looks after the children.她常照顾孩子.
被动句:The children are often looked after.孩子常受到照顾.
主动句:We talked about the matter very often.我们常谈起那事.
被动句:The matter was very often talked about.这事常被谈起.
主动句:She has taken my exercise-books away.她已拿走了我练习本.
被动句:My exercise-books have been taken away.我的练习本被拿走了.
主动句:You must turn off the light before you go to bed.睡觉之前你们必须关灯.