我想问research essay 既格式


第1个回答  2022-11-20


我仲想问埋d问题系唔系全部都要整饼仔架,定只需要简几条重点既先整呢? 咁如果其他唔整饼既,可以点处理?

I think you should ask your department what format they require. But I suggest you can download some research papers written by others and take it as a reference. In my research project
the format likes as follows 1. Abstract 2. Introduction (Including literature review and research objective. In fact
your research objectives are e form your literature review.) 3. Methodology 4. Results and Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. References
research essay 有两种 1. Direct Approch 2. Indirect Approch 它们的分别是次序,所以,请明白你写的是要甚么Approch,才可帮到你。 但是无论是哪种,最先必定是目录页 (Table of Contents)
才到 introduction. methodology 一定置于最后。 为方便你,你可写电邮给本人。 [email protected] 希望帮到你!!!!! 2007-08-22 13:42:31 补充: 对不起,Work Sited 一定置于最后,不是methodology 。SORRY!