

第1个回答  2022-10-07
问题一:上学迟到英语怎么说? 1. arrive late for school
2. be late for school
3. arrive late for class
4. late for school
5. be late for (school)

问题二:他经常上学迟到。英语怎么说 He is often late to go to school.
顺附上be late to和be late for的区别:
be late for 因…而迟到,做…迟到.后接名词。例:
I will not be late for school.
I'll be late for th俯 meeting.
be late to 后接的是动词,表示做这个动作稍晚,迟。例:
“Why were you late to school this morning?

问题三:我上学迟到了。英语怎么写? 有两种时态可以考虑:
1. 现在时:I'm late for school. 是指你现在正在迟到,还没赶到学校。
2. 一般过去时:I was late for school. 是指你已经迟到过了。比如:I was late for school yesterday.

问题四:上学迟到的英语上学迟到用英语怎么说 上学迟到_有道词典
be late for school;be late for class更多释义>>

上学迟到 be late for school;I Am Late for School;arrive late for school
上学迟到了 Late for School;School late;Late to school
我上学迟到了 I attended school late;I was late for school;I'm late for school

问题五:今天早上我们上学迟到了用英语怎么说呢?两种说法 We arrived late for school this morning.
We were late for school this morning.

问题六:他总是上学迟到 英文翻译 两种写法 he always goes to school late
he is always late for school

问题七:迟到用英语怎么说 Too Late??
You are late??
Too late baby??