

第1个回答  2022-07-15

1. 所有of的短语带翻译


think of:想到。

be proud of:以。。。为骄傲/为。。。而自豪

take care of :照看,照顾

be made of:用。。制成

take advantage of:使用。。。的优势

instead of:代替。

regardless of:忽略。

at the age of:在。。岁时

by means of:用。。。的方法

cheat 。。。out of sb:骗取某人的什么东西


2. 有关of的短语

acquit sb. of。

[接the crime,murder等]宣告某人(无罪或无谋杀罪等)[但acquit oneself of a duty等,则为“履行职责”等];break sb. of。使某人改掉或戒掉(吸烟、坏习惯等);cleanse。

(如rivers,heart等)of。清除(江河)中(有毒物质等),清除(心)中(内疚即guilt);cure(或heal)sb. of。

治愈某人(疾病、坏习惯等);relieve sb. of。解除某人(职务、痛苦等);rid sb. of。

使某人摆脱、解除、除掉(痛苦等)[其被动态为get(或be)rid of。,表示:摆脱(某人),解除(痛苦等),除掉(昆虫等)];rob sb. of。

抢某人(钱款等)[但“偷某人钱”却用 steal money from sb. ];strip A of。剥掉香蕉(皮即 its skin),摘掉树上(叶子),脱去背部上(背心)[这里 A 分别为香蕉、树或背部]。


3. 所有of的短语带翻译

带of的短语太多了think of:想到。

be proud of:以。


而自豪take care of :照看,照顾be made of:用。

制成take advantage of:使用。

的优势instead of:代替。

regardless of:忽略。

at the age of:在。

岁时by means of:用。

的方法cheat 。

out of sb:骗取某人的什么东西能想起来的有这些,,还有好多,暂时想不起来了。

4. 带有of的短语 谓语是跟of前的还是of后的



this kind of books is/are?

主语是this kind 谓语用is

books of this kind is/are?

主语是 books 谓语用 are

two-thirds of the earth surface is/are?

主语是of 后面的名词 如果是可数名词复数 就用are

如果是 不可数名词 就用 is

本句是 不可数名词 故 用 is

5. 给我一些含有to的句子和of的句子


I have to stay at home。

I am not uesd to the life here.

My friends refused(拒绝)to accpet(接受) me.

These children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older.

It is easy for a children to wake up and know where he or she is .


Mothers send their kids to all kinds of classes when they are very young.

It may take hundreds of years.

The hand of one of the biggest movie companies in the United States.

There are a lot of things you could do.

This kind of robot will also be fun to watch.

My clothes are out of style.

Find their own share of the sunny.