

第1个回答  2022-06-18
the part 1 of Tess

Tess ws born at at poor family in marlot of England ,she is the prettest girl in the village around 5 miles.all her knowledge she had came from her lessons in the village school ,after she left school she had tried to earn a little money by helping in the fields or milking cows or making butter.she blamed her monther for thoughtlessly producing so many children ,but never though about the future .she felt responsible for her little brothers and sisters and  help her mother look after them .her father don't work hard and like drink little with heart problems .


One day ,her father be noticed a historian that they are descendant of the ancient and nobel family of the d’urbrvilles .its a oldest family in the whole country . tess family have old silver spoon and old seal ,it seems can prove that are actually its. it makes her father proud.


Her monther made a suggestion ,she found there are a rich lady living on the other side of the wood have the same family name with them and must be their relation. She ask tess go and claim relationship with her ,and also persuade some help in their trouble .tess wondered how she could help her parents , she know life now become rather difficult after their horse be died ,and her father can’t set off with beehives to market without horse .


Next morning,tess walked to the town she hardly know to meet her relation.she stopped in amazement.its was large and almost new house ,it should be no lack of money here.a young man appered in the garden ,he is the son of the lady ,and told tess her monther is ill .tess very shy her face blushed a deep pink ,she told the man named alec about her family situation .and before she leave ,alex filled her basket with strawberries and flowers.

第二天苔丝去了这个她从不知道的亲戚家,她怔住了,这里有又大又新的房子,这家一定很有钱。一个年轻的男人出现在花园里,他是这家女主人的儿子,苔丝非常害羞的告诉他,关于她的家庭情况。临走前,alec 给她篮子装满了草莓和花。

It's the beginning of the the young girl meet the wrong man .

When tess arrived home the following afternoon a letter had already received by her monther .its from mrs d’urverville offered tess work looking  after chickens.


It makes tess parents delighted .it means they recognize us as a family . and few days later alec visit tess’s home and ask tess could come or not .


Persuaded by her monther,after monents hesitation .tess finally agreed to go .


The chickents for which tess was responsible lived in an old cottage on mrs d’urberville’s land .alec teach and showed tess to make whistle tunes .and she often met him in the garden and began to lose her shyness of him . tess enjony her new work with chickens.


Every Saturday night the other farm works from the surrounding area used to go to drink and dance in the market town two or three miles away .for a long time tess did not go with them .but after a while she wanted to change from the routine and began to go the weekly trips regularly .


one saturday night she was waiting for her companions as it was time to go home ,when she realized the workers cant be going home soon,she meet alec and he offered to take her to home on the back of his horse.


she hesitated then accepted .they rode along in the dark together ,she was very tired ,it have big fog and alec lost the way .tess leave there and alec go to find where they are .

when alec back tess have asleep .at the darkness and silence ,alec lay down beside her and the girl was not strong enough to resist him .


tess grillish purity lost by the wrong man .the beauty damaged by ugliness.after from now on ,tess 's life was to be completely different .
