校园口语第九课:Join a club 社团活动


第1个回答  2022-10-31
Join a club 社团活动 , 一、talk show【脱口而出】 , , 1、Are you in any clubs at school? ,你在学校有没有参加社团?, club :社团,协会 也可以说 association ,Are you a member of any clubs?, 2、Are there any membership dues? ,需要交会费吗?, dues :会费,手续费(用的是due 的复数形式,要注意哦)。与此相关的: port dues 港口税,, custom dues 关税,此外 due 还有一个意思在口语中比较常用,“ 到期的,截止日期的 ”eg:when is the homework due? 什么时候交家庭作业?, 3、Do I have to fill out an application to join? ,我是不是要填申请表格才能加入?, fill out :填写……,此处省略了表格form,全部的应该是application form, fill out a form 填写表格。,近义词: fill in 填空 fill in the blanks, 4、I am craving for the guitar club. ,我很想参加吉他社团。,很想做某事: be craving for sth/doing sth ,I am dying to join the guitar club.,I am itching for joining the guitar club.,I am really longing to join the guitar.,很想做某事的表达: be dying to do/be itching for doing/be longing to do , , 5、I am afraid joining a club will take up much of my time. ,我担心参加社团耽误许多时间。,耽误时间: take up time 占用、花费: take up , , 二、Reply fluently【对答如流】 , , A: Hey, jenny. You look worred. , B: Yes, I am thinking of joining a club. Let’s join the football club. , A: Actually, I am not in to football at all. , B: Neither am I. , A: How about the classical music club. , B: Give me a break. Have you seen the guys in that club? You can tell them right off-total nerds. , A: That’s not pletely true. I know one guy in the club who’s very nice. ,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-:office:office" />, in to …… 口语中表示:擅长做某事, neither be/do + 人称代词 表示:某人也不……, so do/be + 人称代词 表示:某人也……, give me a break : 绕了我吧,口语中常用,eg: e on, give me a break. 得了吧,少来这一套, you can tell …… 可以看出来…… eg:you can easily tell the difference of these o books 你可以很容易的看出这两本书的区别。, off-total nerds :书呆子、行为古怪的人,中文翻译,A:嗨,珍妮,你看起来有点焦虑。,B:是的。我在考虑加入社团的事。咱们加入足球社吧。,A:实际上,我根本不会踢足球。,B:我也不会。,A:你觉得古典音乐社怎么样。,B:绕了我吧!你见过那个社团的仁兄吗?你可以马上看出他们都是些古怪的家伙!,A:那也不尽然。我就认识那个社团里面一位非常好的男孩子。