

第1个回答  2021-01-27
I have a strong interest in Chinese poetry
第2个回答  2021-01-27
I  have a strong interest in Chinese poetry.
第3个回答  2021-01-27
I have a keen interest in Chinese poetry and lyrics.
第4个回答  2021-01-27

    “有浓厚的文化气息”和 “深厚的文化底蕴”用英语怎么...

    答:“有浓厚的文化气息”和 “深厚的文化底蕴”用英语翻译分别如下: “有浓厚的文化气息”deep cultural richness “深厚的文化底蕴”be rich in cultural deposits 扩展资料 1、医学在古代被称为“仁学”,蕴含着浓厚的人文气息。 Medicine in ancient was ...

    2019-09-09 回答者: 木子如果林夕 9个回答 24


    答:关于用英语翻译中国诗句篇一 赠汪伦 李白乘舟将欲行 忽闻岸上踏歌声 桃花潭水深千尺 不及汪伦送我情 To Wang Lun I, Li Bai, sit aboard a ship about to go When suddenly on shore your farewell songs o'erflow. However deep the Lake of Pe...

    2017-03-17 回答者: 最爱学习3 2个回答 4


    答:我之所以想投稿是因为我想让中国的文化被世界人们有所了解对中国文化有很深刻的理解和兴趣爱好 The reason why I want to contribute is that I want to make Chinese culture known to people all over the world and have a deep understandin...

    2019-02-19 回答者: 还有好听的名吗 1个回答

    英语翻译 我发现自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣

    问:英语翻译 2.驱车行驶在告诉公路上,我意识到近几年来, 中国的公路系统发...

    答:2.Driving on the highway,I realized that China's Bus system has changed a lot in recent years. 3.I even can not belive that they mastered computer operating so quickly. 4.It has been 3 years since I started my life in a foreign...