
1、he for stay t wo in bed week
2、have susan so she call the measles doctor
3、jimmy ver good look today
4、be to the piano play jane go
5、be you go to some meet friend
6、tongue your me show
7、have temperature a jim
8、must up get you not
9、must not home quarter past after you come a four
10、ourselves always we enjoy

第1个回答  2014-02-24
1He stayed in bed for to week.2Susan had measles(麻疹),so she called the doctor.3Jimmy looks very good today.4Jane is going to play the piano.5Are you going to meet some friend?6Show me you tongue.7Jim has atemperature.8You must not get up.9You must not come home after quarter past four.10We always enjoy ourelves.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-02-24