

第1个回答  2022-09-28
问题一:英语中状语有什么类型 一、时间状语
She is to be married next month. 她预定在下个月结婚。
I’ll meet you at 4 o’clock. 我将在4点钟和你见面。
A lot of students missed my lecture yesterday. 昨天许多学生误了我的课。
He lives over the mountain. 他住在山的那一边。
I first met him in Paris. 我初次见到他是在巴黎。
The children are swimming in the river. 孩子们正在河里游泳。
Are you glad to be going back to school? 返回学校你感到高兴吗?
They lived many miles from the town. 他们住的地方离镇子好几英里远。
She is very weak in physics. 她物理很不行。
China is very rich in natural resources. 中国自然资源丰富。
This is better in every way than that. 这个在哪一方面都比那个要好。
The bridge is 2500 meters in length and 150 meters in height. 这座桥长2500米,高150米。
He was surprised at what she said. 听到她说的话,他很吃惊。
He succeeded by hard work. 他由于努力工作而成功。
He was sent to prison for robbery. 他因为抢劫而坐牢。
Last week she fell ill from cold. 上星期她着凉生病了。
We’re proud of our motherland. 我们为祖国感到骄傲。
He talked his wife into buying a car. 他说服他妻子买一辆小汽车。
The box is too heavy for me to lift. 这个箱子太重了,我提不动。
It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that country. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。
He went to Africa in 1963, never to e back. 他在1963年到非洲,然后就再也没回来过了。
They went out for a walk. 他们出去散步了。
He saves on behalf of his son. 他为儿子存钱。
He stood aside for her to pass. 他靠边站让她过去。
He cupped his ear to hear better. 他的手捂着耳朵,以便听得更清楚。
He went to the south in search of a better life. 他去南方寻求更好的生活。
I went to France not to study French, but to study architect......>>

问题二:英语中状语有什么类型 一、时间状语
She is to be married next month. 她预定在下个月结婚。
I’ll meet you at 4 o’clock. 我将在4点钟和你见面。
A lot of students missed my lecture yesterday. 昨天许多学生误了我的课。
He lives over the mountain. 他住在山的那一边。
I first met him in Paris. 我初次见到他是在巴黎。
The children are swimming in the river. 孩子们正在河里游泳。
Are you glad to be going back to school? 返回学校你感到高兴吗?
They lived many miles from the town. 他们住的地方离镇子好几英里远。
She is very weak in physics. 她物理很不行。
China is very rich in natural resources. 中国自然资源丰富。
This is better in every way than that. 这个在哪一方面都比那个要好。
The bridge is 2500 meters in length and 150 meters in height. 这座桥长2500米,高150米。
He was surprised at what she said. 听到她说的话,他很吃惊。
He succeeded by hard work. 他由于努力工作而成功。
He was sent to prison for robbery. 他因为抢劫而坐牢。
Last week she fell ill from cold. 上星期她着凉生病了。
We’re proud of our motherland. 我们为祖国感到骄傲。
He talked his wife into buying a car. 他说服他妻子买一辆小汽车。
The box is too heavy for me to lift. 这个箱子太重了,我提不动。
It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that country. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。
He went to Africa in 1963, never to e back. 他在1963年到非洲,然后就再也没回来过了。
They went out for a walk. 他们出去散步了。
He saves on behalf of his son. 他为儿子存钱。
He stood aside for her to pass. 他靠边站让她过去。
He cupped his ear to hear better. 他的手捂着耳朵,以便听得更清楚。
He went to the south in search of a better life. 他去南方寻求更好的生活。
I went to France not to study French, but to study architect......>>