

第1个回答  2023-01-26
【 #英语资源# 导语】对于还在读书的我们来说,寒假是最令人期待的,在寒假的时候,一定发生了很多的事情,我们可以将寒假生活的点点滴滴记录下来,看看寒假生活的收获。 为大家准备了《寒假记事英语作文范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.寒假记事英语作文范文 篇一

  During the winter vacation, my mother took me and Xiao Xiangwen to the Fantasy Snow Festival.

  The three of us walked happily inside. It was really lively. There were Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat and Grey Wolf dancing. Some people are skating, others are playing in the Happy Castle. Others are playing CS on the ice. I saw the game, and I especially like the game. Every time I see the game on TV, I love watching it. I wish I could attend one. I told my mother this idea. Mom said you should have courage to play this, do you dare? I said, "Dare!" My mother bought me a ticket. There were so many people playing this game, so I waited in line. After waiting for a long time, it was my turn finally. I slowly climbed onto the tripod. It was easy to watch from below. I was really scared when I went up. When I moved, the tripod would sway, and I would lie down on the top and dare not move. My mother said below: "Tian Tian, come on, don't be afraid, slowly climb over, don't move fast, and grasp the balance, Just move forward step by step. "Xiao Xiangwen also shouted to cheer me on. I listened to my mother's words and gathered up courage to move forward slowly. My mother was right. Don't panic. My two feet moved forward slowly, and my upper body moved forward again. Soon I climbed over. In the part of the long rope, because my strength was small, my hands were weak, I didn't grasp the rope, and fell down. Although I didn't succeed in the final challenge, I worked hard, and I defeated myself. I still won Mom applauded.

  In fact, it is not difficult to do anything, as long as you work hard and master good skills, you can succeed!

2.寒假记事英语作文范文 篇二

  The most interesting thing in the winter vacation is that my father and I set off fireworks on the fifteenth day of the first month, which is absolutely interesting! Now I want to laugh. You must also want to know. Now let me tell you!

  It was the night of the 15th of the first lunar month. The whole family went to the stadium to watch the lights. Only my father and I didn't go because we were going to set off fireworks. It was not easy to wait until more than seven o'clock. My father and I got dressed and went down to set off fireworks. First, we put on fireworks. After lighting, with a few loud bangs, the fireworks rose to the sky. How beautiful! And each time they were different colors! Then, Dad took out another kind of small fireworks, which could also rise to the sky, but it was not as spectacular as the fireworks. Dad lit one first, and then threw it into the sky. The small fireworks first fell down, and then slowly rose to the sky, and stayed in the sky for about two or three seconds. With a bang, it also revealed colorful colors, which could be comparable to the fireworks, but the quality was too poor, and twelve were put, Almost half of them didn't rise to the sky, and some didn't even explode. Then my father and I put another kind of flower (I forgot the specific name), which was also very interesting. The way to play was to hold it in my hand, then light it, throw it out, and then release beautiful fireworks. My father also invented a special throwing method, first shake it twice, and then throw it out from the gap between two legs, let alone say, The height of the fireworks flying out in this way is much higher than that of the ordinary throwing method, but this method has also caused many problems: after Dad threw it, the fireworks almost exploded in Dad's car, and once exploded at the unit door, and once, Dad didn't throw it, but he didn't know. Fortunately, I reminded him, otherwise it would explode on his hand.

  This is the most interesting thing in my winter vacation. Is it interesting? What about you?

3.寒假记事英语作文范文 篇三

  The most interesting thing in the winter holiday is to set off fireworks on the New Year's Eve. The colorful fireworks add to the atmosphere of the festival and also add joy to us.

  We had New Year's Eve dinner and the family got together to watch the Spring Festival Gala. When the clock rings at twelve o'clock, we can't wait to set off fireworks in the basement. The sky is full of colorful fireworks, some like falling meteors, some like butterflies flying in the air, some like flowers blooming in the air... I am dazzled by the fireworks all over the sky.

  Dad bought me all kinds of fireworks. Let's put a double dragon playing with beads first! I took the lighter and lit the fuse. With a "whoosh" sound, I covered my ears and waited for the smoke to bloom. With a "whoosh" sound, two golden dragons rose into the air, with a green ball in the middle, like a beautiful pearl. When it fell, it was like a silver tadpole that only swam, making a "squeak" sound. The neighbors also came out to set off fireworks. Look! The monkey flew up to the sky with its long tail, and the little bee was buzzing around. My friends and I lit the flash stick together, making a sound of "Zizi" and flashing bright sparks. It was very beautiful! We cheered with joy!

  The beautiful fireworks make the night sky colorful. It brings us endless joy, deep blessings and beautiful memories.

4.寒假记事英语作文范文 篇四

  In this winter holiday, I have experienced many things, but one thing is unforgettable for a long time!

  That day, the weather was good, and my mother took me to buy clothes.

  When I felt a little hungry after walking for some time, I took 20 yuan from my mother to buy hamburgers. Unexpectedly, the salesperson's aunt gave me an extra five yuan in a hurry. When I just wanted to return the money to the salesperson's aunt, I had a second thought: no one knows. Don't waste the money. I will "keep" it for you first. I dare not use the money after several days. One day, I suddenly wanted to go shopping, so I took the money and ran to the store. As soon as I wanted to pay, I heard the salesperson's aunt tell me that this morning a child who was about the same as me took ten yuan more and turned away, but still hasn't returned it. Damn it, so I can only use my own money to make up for it. He also complained from time to time: "I can't forgive him if I see him again." I heard it and ran away. In order to say goodbye to this scary day, I decided to return the money. So I came to the hamburger shop again and saw the aunt, but I didn't dare to return it to her face. I quietly put it in front of the counter and turned away. When I walked out of the hamburger restaurant, I relaxed a lot and didn't worry about money any more.

  well! This really fulfills the sentence: "If you don't do anything bad, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door." I won't do anything bad again!

5.寒假记事英语作文范文 篇五

  With the passage of time, the winter vacation has also gradually gone away, but many interesting things in the winter vacation still make my memory fresh and unforgettable for a long time.

  I remember that once I invited my cousin and cousin to set off a firecracker. Suddenly, the crackling firecracker sounded and set off for a while. My cousin said, "It's too boring to play like this. Let's play something interesting!" I also thought it was too boring. So I thought for a moment, and said, "Otherwise, let's go and get a big roll of firecrackers, see who will finish the firecracker first, and then win." Then I ran home to get three 100-meter-long firecrackers.

  The three of us spread out the firecrackers. One of us took a stick of incense and touched the firecrackers with the head of incense. The crackling sound of firecrackers made me deafening. Suddenly, my cousin took a snowball and threw it at my firecrackers. I shouted, "My cousin is naughty." But what's the use of just saying it? I quickly picked up a branch and threw the snowball away. When my cousin saw that this plan was not working, he immediately went to the faucet to collect some water. He immediately thought about my firecrackers coming. Ouch, what can I do. Suddenly, my mind turned to see me learn from Zhuge Liang and play a big empty city trick. I looked at my cousin leisurely. When he looked at me, he began to doubt, so he hesitated to splash water. Suddenly I cried out: "Yeah, I won, cousin, you are in the trap." "What?" The cousin said mysteriously, "You are so smart, I admire you." The cousin said dejectedly, and I was happy to hear that.

  There are many interesting things in the winter vacation that can make you laugh!