"我送你出去" 英文点讲??


第1个回答  2022-11-15
1.Let me show you the way out. 2.Let me show you out. 3.Let me see you out. 4.Let me see you to the door. 句1非常正式
4是外国人会经常讲的。尤其句3为多。 如果想回应「我自己走就可以了」 可以说
That’s ok
I’ll see myself out. See Out 1.To escort (a guest) to the door: ----> Will you please see Ms. Smith out? 2.To work on (a project) until pletion: ----> Despite poor funding
we saw the project out. Show out To guide someone out of somewhere such as one's workplace or home ----> The zoo ranger had to show out several families that were still in the zoo when it closed.
参考: education.yahoo/reference/dictionary/entry/see
let me walk you out.
[ 纯粹补充、不算回答 ] send 是「派遣、指使」
"送人出去" 又怎能说成 "派遣/指使" 了? deliver 是「传送」
除非是说「诞下小孩」否则一般不会用「人」作为「受词」object 的. 这些答案真是错得交关! 正确的说法是 see somebody out. "我送你出去" 则是 "Let me see you out". see somebody out 并不是「望住别人出去」
是「送人出去」. 你也可以不用 out
但却不可只用 see. 例子: Let me see you to the door/lift = 我送你出去门口/口. 另外
see 亦可以用其他的动词取代
例如 walk
escort 等等. 例子: Let me walk you to the door = 我陪你行出去门口 (意义上即: 让我送你出门口) 用 show 亦可以 (e.g. Let me show you out)
但使用率应比 see/walk 等为低. 而加 way 的用法 (e.g. Let me show you the way out) 则更加少
否则又怎么需要你去示范「怎样出去」啊!? 这和答 follow me 以及 this way please 一样
客人离开时很少会这样说的. 第一个提供了正确答案
而且整个答案没有错的是 nukemichi 君. 2006-11-21 18:12:52 补充: show out 有可能被误会含有不敬的意思
动物园关门了还未走的就梗系「请」佢走啦. 这和 show someone the door (即: 下逐客令) 一样有点「不客气」的意思. 2006-11-27 16:17:54 补充: 是 nukemichi 第一位答对的; 但可能发问者喜欢较长的答案吧! 不过 xinxin 的答案也是正确的.
Usually say: Let me show you the way...
Let me go out with you.
(Above) All wrong. Let me show you the ( way out / exit). Please follow me. This way please.
Let me send you out
参考: myself
I show you the way out.
参考: 我同客系咁讲既
I deliver you to exit
"I send you out " or "Let me send you out"
参考: me