
Since I met you a very ordinary girl who Hengyang Sometimes I really want to give up, but I do not know that I really can not. You like shopping, but you never take the initiative to give me hand, and you were afraid that we pull together to face the person you are most familiar with. You do not like to sing I have never heard you sing you do not have to think over your life after you how to fight. You and I are not breaking up a downtown twice, but I really do not understand that since what you have gave me so why should we. I really do not know in the end you really love me I will treasure your treasure and cherish your time together after the treasure of our future, I will never give up!

第1个回答  2010-01-15
if you are the company human resources department staff member, must arrange one holiday to travel to think that some travel agency writes a letter inquired the like line, the price, the discount, tel...
第2个回答  2010-01-15
