

第1个回答  2022-07-05

A little morbid Eddie drives Chandler crazy . He keeps letting Eddie move out , but it seems that Eddie has mental problems and doesn't remember. The girls read a book and let them think that men stole their wind. How can they continue? Joey lost his role in days of our lives, which made him find out how much money he owed before . Ross wanted him to play some small roles and earn money first, but Joey didn't want to go...
有点病态的Eddie让Chandler抓狂,他一直让Eddie搬出去但是Eddie好像精神有问题一直不记得。女孩们看了一本书,让他们认为男人偷走了她们的wind,他们会怎么继续呢?Joey失去了在days of our lifes中的角色,这也让他发现了自己以前到底欠了多少钱,Ross想让他去演一些小角色先挣钱,但是Joey并不想去。。。

For a guy who's recently lost his job, you're in a good mood.
Things change. Roll with them.
How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?
希望大家自行翻译这句,go on
I gotta tell you, that's kind of out of the blue, don't you think?
I could never do what you do.
people get fired left and right in this business.
在这一行 到处 都有人被炒鱿鱼。
And you should hold out for something bigger。