

第1个回答  2023-08-13



1、Dorothy stood in the door with Toto in her arms, and looked at the sky too.多萝茜把托托抱在臂弯里,站在门口,也望着那天空。

2、I just turned away and slam the door without saying goodbye to my mother.然后我转过身狠狠的摔上门走了。也没有对她说再见。

3、His policy: "Leave the door open but not too far open."他的政策是:“让门开着,但不要开太大。”

4、The sick child was next door to death.这病孩已快要死了。

5、There was a furious knocking at the door at midnight yesterday昨天半夜有人猛烈地敲门。

6、Infiltration heat from warm outside air through small holes, cracks, and door seals.由外部通过小孔、裂缝和门的密封圈而进入的渗入热。

7、She stood at the door observing the peaceful domestic tableau around the fire.她站在门口,看着炉火周围阖家祥和的景象。

8、A small door or gate, especially one built into or near a larger one.小门,边门小门,尤指装在大门上或大门边的一种便门