
课文开头为 how are you?i haven't seen you since last month......

第1个回答  2010-02-28
Sally and Iwent to Lao She'Teahouse last night.
How was it?
It was great!As you know.Sally's main interest is music,and she wanted to see some Beijing Opera?
Not especially.but I wanted to see the teahous ,so my parents agreed to tack us.
And did you understand it , Sally?
I tried to understand it,but it was almous impossible.
How long did you stay?
we only planned to have some tea,but we decided to stay for tow hours.
Did you have agood time,Sally?
Well,it was interesting,that's the main thing. I hope to understand more next time.
Betty,who isLaShe?
No idea.
Lao She was a famous writear.He's especially famous for his play,Trahouse.The story happens in a Beijing teahouse.