marginal customer造句 marginal customerの例文 "marginal customer"是什麼意思


第1个回答  2022-11-19

Prepaid services and goods are sometimes targeted to marginal customers by retailers.

Many of these banks have marginal customers and nonperforming loans,

Finance managers may work hard to find lenders wilpng to extend credit, especially to more marginal customers , he said.

"It might scare away a few marginal customers , but by and large what they're going to be doing is almost doubpng their revenue off this.

If more consumers fall behind on their bills, panies that have aggressively courted more marginal customers with credit card and other promotions could feel the pain.

To keep costs in pne, the pany trimmed the number of pages in its November and December catalogs by 7 percent and mailed fewer to marginal customers .

The changes, he said, would also " encourage even more lending to marginal customers because the credit card industry's calculation will be that their probabipty of collecting will go up ."

It's difficult to find marginal customer in a sentence. 用 marginal customer 造句挺难的
