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第1个回答  2010-02-07
Pan Masters lead the West Valley site plan(大报恩寺遗址公园规划)
Ming Dynasty Yongle Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Jinling between the tower site is located on China Gate, Yuhua Road, east side, the original was octagonal, nine, ten feet high 32.9, with a giant white porcelain body of colored glass components built on. The tower towering, colorful, unusual spectacular, known as "Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages, one of the world," became a symbol of Nanjing, unfortunately destroyed in the fighting later.
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Jinling sulfur glass tower-cum-site is bounded by the Qin Huai River Park Planning, South arrived Zhengxue Road, west to Yuhua Road, east of Nanking machinery manufacturing plant, covering about 7.6 hectares. To reproduce the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Jinling sulfur glass tower, the world's wonders, from the famous ancient architecture scientist, Southeast University, directed by Pan Gu West led programming.
Comparison and selection of the two programs
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Jinling construction of sulfur glass tower-cum-site park, aimed at protecting Porcelain Tower of Nanjing tower and local heritage sites and historical monuments to show their cultural values, improve the city's economic vitality.
At present there are two conceptual planning programs. The first is the east-west axis as the axis of the reproduction of the history of Tamiao used to organize the temple ruins park district to extend the existing historical pattern; north-south axis to the axis of the new organization Porcelain Tower of Nanjing towers and tower of the former pond Square; the whole base is divided into ruins park, Porcelain Tower of Nanjing tower area, Porcelain Tower of Nanjing temple area, Temple City, commercial districts, four districts in the relatively independent. Jinling first temples for the performance of the momentum, the temple district includes a big open square, arch, gate, bell tower, Xianghe bridge, Ming Yu Bei, Heavenly King Hall, so wind-room, Main Hall and so on.
Into the comparison and selection of the other programs, old and new north-south axis parallel to the two setting, north-south axis perpendicular to the landscape intersect. Porcelain Tower of Nanjing in the south of the original axis, the north side of the new temples and Tayuan formed between the main axis parallel to the second axis. Contains the ruins park area, Tayuan, temples, the new tower, the site 3 region, in the creation of a bright and clean, lofty religious space, while increasing the volume ratio, effectively cut off between the temple areas and commercial interference.
Authenticity of archaeological site protection of cultural heritage
The experts agreed that, in order to avoid damage to the tower base sites, the new tower location should be located in a large tower in the northwest tower base. Tower building the image, especially the external and internal surfaces should be more faithfully reflect the original tower of the Ming dynasty historical information reflects the superb craftsmanship of glass. The tower structure must meet the design standards of contemporary architecture to address the resistance to typhoons and seismic issues. Tower should be able to board, have enriched the activities of the contents of each layer should show "gratitude" topic. Green design to the main land where trees, emphasizing mix of evergreen and deciduous trees to create a solemn atmosphere; temple in the region reflects the green of the ancient temple.
It is learned that for the protection of historical and cultural heritage of authenticity, the relevant departments will be based on historical records, conduct on-site archaeological excavation, depending on the site to explore the situation and determined Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Jinling sulfur glass tower-cum-Ruins Park Planning and Design program development. Planning and design program will be publicized widely solicit views of the community.(建于明朝永乐年间的金陵大报恩寺塔,遗址位于中华门、雨花路东侧,原呈八角形,九级,高32.9丈,用巨型白瓷胎五色琉璃构件堆砌而成。该塔高耸入云,五光十色,异常壮观,被誉为“中世纪世界七大奇迹之一”,成为当时南京的象征,可惜毁于后世战火。








