求英语作文。关于预防在游泳池发生意外的方法。tips to prevent accident at

求英语作文。关于预防在游泳池发生意外的方法。tips to prevent accident at swimming pool

第1个回答  推荐于2016-08-01
There is some rules for the swimming pool.First of all,one is not allowed to swim in the pool without protection.Secondly,one is not allowed to run along the pool.Thirdly,Food is not allowed to be taken into the pool or somewhere around the pool.Fourthly,do not pull other swimmers or fight in the pool.Fifthly,do not jump into the shallow-water pool.Lastly,listen to the direction of the present lifesaver.
1. No swimming without safeguard measurements
2. No running along the edge of the pool
3. No any food shall be taken into the pool or around
4. No jostling each other or fighting in the pool.
5. No diving in the shallow water area
6. Following the instruction of lifeguards追问



