Levelling the Paying Field


第1个回答  2022-06-30

1.New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks .



Shake up 一般指带来重大改变,Gambition is shaking up the way we study/Technology

is shaking up every industry that we can conceive of.】

2.European rules will open the door to a host of innovative services that analyze transactions. 欧洲法规将为分析交易相关的创新服务敞开大门。


to give someone new opportunities (sometimes + for )The success of that film

opened new doors for him.(sometimes + to )Early results show that thenew system would open doors to disadvantaged people. 】

3.Customers need barely ever interact with their bank. 客户几乎不再需要与他们的银行打交道。



4.European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.




两句一个意思,第二句形式上更吻合原句,但第一句通过化被动为主动,突出了核心信息remarkably unscathed几乎毫发无伤。所以,翻译并没有完美的答案,只能无限接近而已~】

5.Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge , most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe.。 金融科技公司们正开始发起一场挑战,主要致力于欧洲北方的线上支付这块产业。但他们在欧洲其他地区很难发挥影响力。 【互联网金融公司已经开始发起挑战,尤其是在北欧线上支付领域。但对欧洲其他地区的影响则要小得多。我要提醒大家的是最后那里的reach,用作名词时候和influence一个意思,用来表达影响的范围,简短好用,建议化作积极储备。Eg.Victory is now out of her reach. /The company has now overtaken IBM in terms ofsize and reach./Such matters are beyond the reach of the law.】

6.Regulators,however, are about to transform the landscape . 然而,监管者们正要改变这种局面。 【然而,监管部门即将改变这一现状。

landscape原意是风景,景色,地貌,此处也是暗喻的用法,衍生为局面,局势。所以哦,衍生意思和原意都有一定联系,大家稍加联想,便不难理解哦。这种用法非常非常普遍,建议内化。Recent electoral shocks have shaken the

European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲政坛。】

7.Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income.银行业紧紧控住付款服务这一最方便的收入来源。 【牢牢把控支付领域使得银行轻而易举就能赚钱。后面的handy这一形容词值得重视,表示就在手边,方便容易,唾手可得,联想它的原形hand好好体会一下。Eg. Always keep a first-aid kit handy.跟前要常备急救箱/handy little tool好用小工具】

8.Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection.Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition .阻力主要表现为对数据保护的担忧。这种担忧是合法的却也为银行阻碍竞争提供了一个合适托辞,金融科技支持者辩论道。 【抗拒源自对数据保护的担忧,这是合情合理的。但互联网金融的支持者们认为,这也是银行抵制竞争的绝佳借口。】

9.Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money. 尽管抱怨连天,客户在资金上还是相信银行。 【For all表示尽管,虽然,等于despite.Eg. For all its clarity of style, the book isnot easy to read】

神词组:【 笃师讲解 】

become overdrawn: 变得透支 【透支】

nudge them to save more 促使他们节约些 【鼓励他们增加储蓄】

have easy access to:容易进入 【便于……】

kick-start competition:推动竞争 【引发竞争】

give explicit consent 给予明确准许 【明确同意】

one-click bank transfer:一键银行转帐

low-value payments:小额度的付款【 小额支付】

tighten up security:加强安全

guide them toward:引导他们走向

rich data:庞大数据【 丰富的数据】

leave them in a weaker position: 陷他们于劣势位置【 使他们处于不利地位 】

robust data-protection system: 稳固数据保护系统【 强大的数据保护系统 】

insured against losses from fraud:投保欺诈损失【 投保以防欺诈造成的损失 】

perfect on paper: 完美计划【 理论完美!暗示实际操作起来可能困难重重 。】

team up with:联手合作【 与….合作 】

exploit newcomers technology:利用新参与者的技术【 利用后来者的技术 】