

第1个回答  2023-06-17

单词 "threw" 是动词 "throw" 的过去式。throw 的意思是 "投掷、扔"。因此 "threw" 的意思就是 "投掷了、扔了",表示过去发生的动作或状态。例如:She threw the ball to me.(她把球扔给了我。)


1、throw away:扔掉 He threw away the old magazines。 (他扔掉了旧杂志。)

2、throw up:呕吐 I feel sick and I might throw up。 (我觉得恶心,可能会呕吐。)

3、throw off:摆脱,使混淆 He tried to throw off the suspicion by acting normal。 (他试图通过表现正常的方式来摆脱怀疑。)

4、throw in the towel:认输,放弃 After hours of trying, he finally threw in the towel。 (尝试了几个小时后,他最终认输了。)


1、throw a party:举办派对 She said she will throw a big party when she graduates。 (她说她毕业后会举办一个大派对。)

2、throw a punch/kick:出拳或出脚 He was so angry he threw a punch at the wall。 (他很生气,所以就出拳打了墙。)

3、throw a tantrum:发脾气 The little girl threw a tantrum when she didn't get her way。 (小女孩在得不到她想要的东西时发脾气了。)

4、throw caution to the wind:不考虑后果 He decided to throw caution to the wind and take a chance。(他决定不考虑后果,冒险一试。)


1、throw oneself into something:全身心投入到某事中 He threw himself into the project and worked long hours。(他全身心地投入到项目中,工作了很长时间。)

2、throw in:额外添加,放弃 The package includes a free gift they threw in。(包裹中附带了一个免费赠品。) She decided to throw in the towel and quit the job。(她决定认输并辞职。)

3、throw a curveball:出乎意料,使困惑 The sudden question threw me a curveball during the interview。(面试中突然出现的问题出乎意料,让我感到困惑。)

4、throw on:随意穿上 He quickly threw on his clothes and rushed out the door。(他匆忙地穿上衣服,飞跑出门。)