

第1个回答  2022-06-15


  Inception, which is directed by Christopher Nolan, is a combination of science fiction, romance and action movie. The two key words in the movie are extraction and inception, which are totally opposite. Extraction means extracting some important information from the subject’s unconsciousness when he’s dreaming. While inception means incepting a new idea to the subject, and make the idea deeply rooted in the subject’s mind. Though our hero, Dominic Cobb, acted by Leonardo DiCaprio, is an extractor, this time, he will try to be an inceptor. And if he succeeds he’ll be able to go back to his children.

  At the beginning of the movie, Cobb and his extracting group were on an extraction mission in the mind of Saito, using a two-layered dream, which means ‘a dream in a dream’. In the first layer, they were in a secret apartment; and in the second layer, they were somewhere like an assembly hall. While in reality, they were on a train, sleeping. There is a rule in the dream world that if someone died in the dream, he would be back to the upper layer or to the reality. Cobb’s wife Mal showed up in the dream and destroyed his mission. ‘Everyone for himself’ was what Cobb said to his group. Actually, Mal who had already dead was only a projection of Cobb.

  Cobb usually uses a top to tell reality from dream. If it is a dream, the top won’t stop spinning when spun.

  Later, Cobb was offered a job by Saito to incept an idea to the son of Saito’s competitor, who would soon inherit the control of his father’s corporation, and if he succeeded Saito would help him to go home. Unable to see his children for some reason he himself couldn’t fix, Cobb accepted.

  He reconstructed his group and made up the plan: they’d build a three-layered dream, and the first layer would be a city, the second layer a hotel, and the third layer a hospital near a snow mountain. In reality, they were in the first class cabin of a 747. With the group’s joint effort, finally they succeeded and Cobb came back home, with his children. He spun his top again, but it isn’t clear that whether the top would stop or not in the movie.

  After watching this movie, what impressed me most are the dialogues. They reflect something about dreams, life, faith, love, and so on. I’d like to share my thoughts of some lines.






