
你好,我想和你确认下你所购买的产品信息,您 所购买的是不是XX,因为仓库那里可能出现了点问题。,这个是由XX物流所引起的,这并不是我能控制的,敬请理解,谢谢

第1个回答  2018-06-06
Human desire is a strange thing. Many times we are so eager to get something, yet we get bored easily after we get that. We constantly keep an eye on what others own while we already own what others are jealous of. Some of us look forward to the view in the distance, where another group of us are just bored of. Perhaps , only the rich experience of ups and downs in life can make us aware that what we own is exactly what to cherish. After all, the view in the distance is just the view, not life. Life is right now, right here, right in our hands.
1. 这是我自己翻的。2. 中翻英难就难在行文习惯不同,中文的逻辑在英文里简直要命....比如前几句基本一个意思喂....所以我稍微加了一些连接词,很多也是按照自己的理解改的,尤其是最后一句。
第2个回答  2018-06-06
Hello, I want to confirm with you the product information you purchased, whether you purchased XX or not, because there may be some problems in the warehouse.This is caused by XX logistics, which is not under my control. Please kindly understand. Thank you本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2018-06-06
Hello, I want to confirm with you the product information you purchased, and what you bought is XX, because there may be some problems in the warehouse. This is caused by XX logistics, which is not what I can control. Please understand, thank you.