
既有泰山的整体讲解,又有重点景点,应付外语导游考试用。网上的我都看了,没有特别好的,尤其是那个以fellow friends开头的,文意都不通,坚决不要。

第1个回答  2013-11-15
Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province

Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in Dec 1987.

Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. In 1982, Taishan Mountain was up into the list of State key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of World Natural and Cultural Heritage in 1987. It becomes a precious heritage of human being.

Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills. It is prominent around other hills. The prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. The south of Taishan Mountain is higher than the north. Its south foot of mountain begins from Tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in Jinan City, the distance between which is 60kms. In Taishan Mountain, the transportation is convenient with the Jinghu railway passing by in the west. In its north is Jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". The distance between Taishan Mountain and Qubu is 70kms. Many roads and railways such as Taifei, Taixin, Taining, and Taiji meet in Tai'an city, which just locates in the south of Taishan Mountain.

Taishan Mountain is in a superior geographic location with abundant water and thermal resources, and its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone half wetness monsoon climate. As regard to its historic position, in the ancient times, Taishan Mountain is a developed region—— in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. As regard to its cultural position, it is the center of Dongyi culture. In the south foot of Taishan Mountain, there is Da Fenkou culture, and there is Longshan Culture in its north foot, it is the center of Qi and Lu. And its transportation is more superior. Taishan Mountain is in a key position where the railway from central plains to Shandong peninsula meets the railway connecting the south and north of the east coast. There are no hills between Taishan Mountain and the capitals in the ancient times as well as the developed regions. This superior condition helps Taishan Mountain gain the first position among the Five Famous Mountains in China.

As a mountainous scenic spot, Taishan Mountain has high values in term of aesthetics and science, especially the aesthetic value, which is the foundation for Taishan Mountain becoming a famous mountain in the history and the world natural and cultural heritage today. For thousands of years, during the process of studying on Taishan Mountain in terms of adoration, taste, religion and science, the people has created extremely abundant and valued Taishan scenic culture. Moreover, in the Taishan scenic culture, the natural scene plays the key role with the literacy scene assisting. The nature and culture penetrate into each other. Here we can see the philosophy, aesthetics and science idea about the harmonious development of Sky, Ground and Human beings. Thereby, either from the point of time or space, Taishan Mountain contains extremely abundant contents with high aesthetic, science and historic value. We can say that Taishan Mountain is the symbol of spiritual culture of China and the unique heritage of the world.
第2个回答  2013-11-09
South leaves east the fontanel courtyard to fold namely for the daystreet. Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place.Travels to the East along the day street, center north has a workplace, on the inscribed horizontal tablet the topic has " LooksWu Shengji " This is hands down Kong Zi and Yan Yuan sees WuGuochang outside the gate a white horse's place. North the work placehas the Kong Zi temple.
The day street most east end was the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall, Igave everybody to tell the blue rosy cloud female immortal's story.The blue rosy cloud female immortal's predecessor is the Taishangoddess, is called as in the folk " Angel beautiful woman bluerosy cloud female immortal " Is in common people mind TaishanLord, and is called as " Taishan Grandma " " Taishanold mother " . The populace to the Taishan old mother's period offive days belief and the affection, are burying which one kind ofhistory accumulates down in the people mind in-depth to the mother thelove. How many year, the blue rosy cloud female immortal has woncommon people's love, until now still lorded over summit of theTaishan, was accepting Buddhism believers' incense and candle,summoned is going to the decoy which the township left country's.
Good, lets us enter to the blue rosy cloud temple. 2,500 square metersplaces, have built up the entrance, the main hall, Matches Palace, 3 godsgates, the bell tower, the drumtower, Fragrant Pavilion, long live the building,the extremely heavy tripod with two handles, the fire pond, but alsohas According to Wall, the dance building, the imperial tablet pavilion... ...Moreover is the imperial mountain gust of wind, the palace is Copper Tile,the tablet is a bracasting, glittering, solemn space palace .The Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hall high construction skill wasconsidered was our country ancient times the mountain constructionmodel, the person dances to here goes on a pilgrimage certainly doesnot feel its slightly but sense its is big, the sacred feeling arosespontaneously. Now, in Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hallarchitectural complex an alone standard .
Leaves east the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall north the god gate tofold along the winding mountain road on again, obviously a cliffstands rock-firm, on the cliff the carved stone proliferates,spectacular, personal " Big view peak " . West the big viewpeak leans, on several years all stones also all has ancient's writingskill, area this it may be said is the open-air calligraphy artmuseum. Along the big view peak west the side winding mountain road on, to themost high place, on these road looked resembles the stone stepsfinally arrived terminus, here was Taishan Goes against Extremely -- Jade Emperor goesagainst.
Temple of the Jade Emperor constructs in Goes against Extremely on, the red ocher wallgreen glazed tile picture was has put on a laurel crown to Taishan.Enters the temple by the entrance, first saw is courtyard central" Extremely capstone " . Extremely the capstone lies in center, high not full rice, surf-ace roughness, if in elsewhere,will be together the ordinariest not place stone. But in here, itsside has the tablet is writing: " Taishan Goes against Extremely 1,545meter " . According to the geology analysis, is it, from Sea Troughcenter takes the lead in 30 million years ago to haunch up, it isrooted in to 1 myriameter earth's crust deep place; Is it, has severalhundred square kilometers bases, the entire place mountain is liftingit in the request, causes it to stand tall and erect the cloud day,down to in Temple of the Jade Emperor's Jade Emperor big emperor hassimply become its patron god.
The friends, a day-long travelling schedule already ended. Hoped youcan arrive Taishan to come once again. Thanks everybody!追问


第3个回答  2013-11-09