




第1个回答  2007-01-29


First of all, please forgive my saying feelings of a deep apology to you. We hope to submit to the summary of the thesis of three volumes before and to participate in the rally well corresponding to this rally. It completed it without coming to experiment at the end in the application project at the same time ..us.. because the clerical work at time was busy for a while ..however.. ..the former.., and slowly and it was late for the creation of the thesis therefore. It is shown to cancel the chapter the first grade of junior high-school and to fall, and submits it to the full text in the thesis of two volumes at the end. This problem was referred in your last letter.

The prayer rally sincerely obtains a harmonious success very much in
appreciation for the concern for us of you.

우선, 내가 당신에게 깊은 사과의 기분을 말씀드리는 것을 허락해 주세요.
이번 대회에 대응하고, 저희들은 일찌기 3편의 논문의 요지에 제출하고, 게다가 순조롭게 대회에 참가할 수 있는 것을 바란다.
그러나 전 당분간의 시간의 사무가 다망하기 때문에, 동시에 저희들은 신청 프로젝트에 있고, 마지막에 실험하러 와있지 말고 완성하는, 그러니까 논문의 창작에 우물쭈물 해서 늦었다.
그 중 1편을 취소해 떨어지는 것을 나타내고, 마지막에 2편의 논문의 전문에 제출한다.전회의 당신의 편지 중(안)에서 마치도 이 문제에 언급했다.

매우 당신의 저희들에 대한 관심에 감사하고, 진심으로 기원 대회는 원만한 성공을 얻는다.
第2个回答  2007-01-29
鄙视机器翻译 楼主过目 希望能对您有所启发

Allow me to extend my apology to you at first.
In order to join the conference,we have handed in three abstracts for different papers.We hope that we can finish the conference smoothly.
Being occupied the early period ,as well as being busy with applying for some projects,we have not finished the expriment at last.The schedule for papers is negatively affected thereby.Now we decide to revoke one of the three papers.This is what you had mentioned in your last letter.
Thanks for your concerning! Wish the conference a success.
Your attendance at the meeting is a great appreciation to me.

感谢"丹丹蛋蛋" 您的意见提的很好!! 交个朋友怎么样?大家再看看有什么需要改的地方,本人翻译未入门,还请大家多提出宝贵建议.
第3个回答  2007-01-30
呵呵,summersnow1982写的也有一些错误,“ paper abstracts”论文摘要,可真的是论文摘要啊!? accessible 是形容词,能用来修饰动词get? schedule(动词)能用在名词paper 后面做后置修饰语么?Now we decide to hand in two papers and cancel one of the three.你不觉得太罗唆么?This is what you have mentioned in your last letter. mentioned what???

1“in three abstracts for different papers”意为“三篇不同论文的摘要”,对应关系混乱,其实直接写“three abstracts ”即可。
2 “finish the conference smoothly”“完成大会”?大会是不能“finish”的,与原文不对应,且搭配也不对。
3“decide to revoke”中的“ revoke”词级不对,好比小学一年级学生的作文里如果出现“缠绵悱恻”,就很突兀,同理,“revoke”放在这里太生僻。
4“This is what you had mentioned in your last letter”这句话里终究没有说清楚“this”指什么,“this”是限定词,通常必须在前文中应有所指。
5“Your attendance at the meeting is a great appreciation to me”意为“你出席会议是对我的一种感激(或欣赏)”,与原文意思出入很大哦,另外,appreciation 后一般不能搭配to。

第4个回答  2007-02-01
First of all, please allow me to extend to you our deep regret. In light of the General Assembly, we have submitted a summary of the three papers, which will hopefully smooth attend the rally. However, because the former busy period of time, we project that eventually did not come completion of the pilot, Therefore, the delay in writing a thesis. Now be removed with an end to the two papers submitted to the full text. Your last letter seems to have mentioned this issue. Thank you very much for your concern for us, we sincerely wish the meeting a complete success. Hope to see you in the General Assembly.
第5个回答  2007-01-29
First, please allow me to extend the deep apology to you. In view of this congress, we have once submitted 3 papers abstracts,and hoped can smoothly attend the congress. But because the preceding period of time lot of work, we in theapplication project, finally have not simultaneously come to completethe experiment, therefore has delayed paper writing. Presently takes 消掉, finally submits two papers the full texts. Inthe previous your incoming letter as if also mentioned this question. Extremely thank you to our care, heartfeltly wishes the congress toobtain the complete success. The hope sees you at the congress.