

第1个回答  2022-08-22

  Chinese food


  When eating Chinese food it's nothing fancy only dishes like Sze-chuan pork and Kung Pao chicken.

  吃中餐,不外乎鱼香肉丝、宫爆鸡丁这个水准。Next to it is another one where you can have Chinese food.

  它隔壁那间供应中餐。That is a delicious Chinese dinner.

  这顿中餐味道好极了。He sponges all his lunches.

  他中餐总是白吃别人的。Mr. Smith, have you ever tried Chinese food?

  史密斯先生,您吃过中餐吗According to the Chinese tradition, we serve the food first and then the soup.

  按中餐习惯,我们先上菜后上汤。We've prepared Chinese food for your first meal. Hope you will enjoy it.

  我们为你们的头顿饭准备了中餐,希望你们会喜欢。 chinese是什么意思:

  n. 中国人;汉语,中文

  adj. 中国的`,中国人的;中国话的

  crepe de chine yarn

  双绉纱 The old prefessor came back to Chine in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated .

  这位老教授是在1949年回到中国的,当时大陆刚解放。Chining and embossing operations particularly require heavy pressures in order to force the metal into the design on the face of the tools.

  压花、压币工序特别需要高压来强使金属形成工具面的图形。First of all I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate the opening of US-Chine trade Development Council. Inc., Los Angeles Branch.

  首先,感谢各位前来庆祝我们美中贸易协会洛杉矶分会的成立。This is a chinese lantern.


  n. 食物,食品;养料

  Will this food keep?

  这食品能放得住吗?They are famishing for food.

  他们因缺乏食物而正在挨饿。Do you know where to buy dog food, rabbit food, and cat food?

  你知道在那里买狗粮,兔粮,跟猫粮吗?Do you know where to buy dog food, rabbit food, and cat food?

  你知道在那里买狗粮,兔粮,跟猫粮吗?Do you prefer northern food or southern food?
