

第1个回答  2023-02-28
【 #英语资源# 导语】东京奥运会是历第一届空场举办的奥运会,共计33个大项,339个小项,339场金牌赛,并新增了滑板、冲浪、竞技攀岩、棒垒球和空手道5个项目。2021年东京奥运会闭幕式将于8月8日19:00举行。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Yes, on the podium of the Olympic Games, what glitters is not only "gold", but also the achievement of each ranking, because it is also permeated with the sweat and tears of war preparation, also condenses the valuable spirit of courage to challenge and forge ahead, and also practices the Olympic value concept of "faster, higher, stronger and more united", so it is also shining and shining.

  As a supreme honor in the competition, the gold medal is admired by everyone and has attracted much attention. However, the significance of the Olympics is not only reflected in the gold medal, but also to let people feel the beauty of strength and speed of competitive sports from the competition, feel the spiritual charm and personality light displayed by the players in their hard work and winning glory for the country, and enjoy the happiness and spiritual edification brought by sports itself.


  Not only the gold medal on the hero, not do not value the gold medal, but to look at the game with a more peaceful attitude. Of course, it will be a great pity to pass by the gold medal in a very promising event. Of course, it is necessary to repeat the analysis and actively improve, but we can't make "winning the gold medal" an unbearable weight on the shoulders of athletes, and there is no need for athletes who "lose the gold" to say "sorry". As spectators, we appreciate strength, speed and technology in the Olympic Games. More importantly, we should harvest the incentive of sports spirit to us. Just like the reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a "national Idol", is it because they are "victorious generals"? The women's volleyball team is not without a trough and often encounters setbacks, but what we are moved and remembered is the spirit of the women's volleyball team girls who never say die and the more frustrated they are, the more brave they are. When we watch the competition, we should pay attention to the results, but we should focus on the struggle behind the results. From Liao Qiuyun and Xu Jiayu to Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen, their unyielding tenacity has inspired us far beyond the weight of the gold medal.


  Standing on the challenge arena, there can be no permanent challenge master. In the long run, this defeat is good for the development of table tennis in China. It also helps to change the conceited mentality of athletes, media and the public about who the champion of table tennis is and who the gold medal is. We should deal with such accidents rationally, so as to get out of the mentality of "seeking defeat alone" and have a clear understanding and calm judgment in the face of the rapidly changing situation in the field. Only when you can afford to lose can you win for a long time. Because no champion is easily won, "every gold medal is hard won" is more rational and healthy than "the gold medal belongs to me".


  Look at gold medals from a historical perspective. 113 years ago, China was not qualified to host the Olympic Games, but we look forward to the gold medal; 89 years ago, Liu Changchun returned empty handed on behalf of China in the Olympic Games. We are eager for the gold medal; 37 years ago, Xu Haifeng achieved the breakthrough of "zero" of China's Olympic gold medal with one shot, and the glow suddenly appeared; 13 years ago, when we held the Olympic Games, the number of gold medals reached the first in the world. The whole country was jubilant, but gradually fell into the "magic" of gold medals; In Rio in 2016, the number of gold medals in China fell sharply, causing an uproar; Now, the Chinese team's gold medal is lost. There are those who refuse to dislike it, and there are also voices of encouragement and comfort.

  The gold medal is really important. It is the symbol of the excellence of Chinese athletes, the ardent expectation of the people all over the country, the source of national pride and self-confidence, and the embodiment of the strength of the country to a certain extent.


  In fact, the number of gold medals is not the most important. What is more noteworthy than it is the spirit of our athletes in the competition - the spirit of daring to fight, not abandoning and not giving up, and the Olympic spirit of higher, faster, stronger and more united. This spirit can not be measured by gold medals and exchanged with materials.

  This spirit is reflected in the actions of women's basketball players who will fight and grab every ball even if they fall behind; This spirit is also reflected in the attitude of never giving up and trying to make up for mistakes in mixed doubles. This spirit gives athletes the courage to face failure again; This spirit gives them the determination to stand on the field against doubt; This spirit gives them the perseverance to endure the pain and insist on training... It is precisely because of this spirit that they can survive the difficult training and finally stand on the field and write their legend. Gold medal is only the result of stage, it is not the purpose. The purpose of sports should be to inherit and carry forward the Olympic spirit, and we have always done so.


  The Tokyo Olympic Games is coming to an end. In the Olympic Games, we see more and more young faces in various events. In their youth, they fight for their country, sprinkle their sweat and efforts on the field without reservation, and show us the strength of youth. They are young but firm, and practice the clank oath of "powerful country has me" with practical actions.

  Cultivate the ambition of "serving the country with a loyal heart" and write about the power with patriotic enthusiasm. Ambition goes all the way. On the field, the athletes are shining five-star red flags on their chest. They go to Tokyo with the mission and belief of winning glory for the country. The Chinese athletes who fought tenaciously on the field, every time they hit the target, every wonderful smash and every time they turned the tide, inspired the enthusiasm and morale of the Chinese people again and again. Xiao ruotang, who won the silver medal in the men's individual all-round final of gymnastics, said, "I'm just showing today what is the will quality of Chinese athletes. I am proud of my motherland, and my motherland is proud of me. "Xiao ruotang showed the world the style of Chinese Olympic athletes with the spirit of not admitting defeat. When the "March of the volunteers" fluttered on the field again and again, when the loud slogans of "powerful country has me" and "unite and revitalize China" came out from the field again and again, all our patriotic passions were lit up. As young people in the new era, we should draw patriotic energy from the Olympic Games, position our aspirations on the coordinates of the times to promote national development and social progress, implement our actions on specific facts and small things, and make our own trickle down contribution to promoting national development and realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation.

  Strengthen the backbone of "not breaking the Loulan and not returning it", and write that there is a strong country with hard work. Every athlete who goes to the Olympic Stadium makes great efforts on weekdays. After 15 years of hard work, sun Yiwen won the present "one sword lights up the cold and settles Kyushu". Hou Zhihui finally realized his dream of Tokyo by running at a high temperature of 40 degrees. Su Bingtian improved 0.08 seconds in the 100 meter sprint in three years, attracting the attention of the world... All the achievements and honors we see are paved with the sweat and efforts of the athletes. Athletes' perseverance and efforts are not only reflected in daily training, but also their indomitable attitude of overcoming psychological pressure and physical pain and fighting bravely on the field deserves our respect and learning. In the women's volleyball match, Zhu Ting went out with an injury and tried her best. Even if there was only one percent chance left, she would try her best. There are many athletes for the Olympic Games, with injuries, played closed, took painkillers and still insisted on playing. This is the athletes' fighting spirit and professionalism. In the new era, young people should constantly sharpen their backbone, lock their goals, cultivate the struggle spirit of "the more difficult and dangerous, the more forward", and write the gorgeous chapter of youth with arduous struggle.

  Build a solid foundation of "being able to blow three thousand miles", and write that the powerful country has me with the belief of victory. Confidence comes from excellent strength and belief in winning. In the Chinese sports delegation, whether they are fledgling teenagers or experienced veterans, whether they play alone or fight in a team, they shine with the pride and belief of never giving up and striving for the first place. After winning the silver medal in the 100m Butterfly, Zhang Yufei shouted "come on!"“ Can lose, but will not easily admit defeat, we must fight "; In the face of the backwardness of the score, young player Sun yingsha timely adjusted her mentality, reversed the situation and finally won the victory, which vividly explained that "young people have their own time to be strong and vigorous". In the Olympic Games, their confidence and calm, sweat and tears won the admiration and admiration of the Chinese people again and again. The belief of victory and tenacious will inspired us to forge ahead outside the field. In the new era, young people should always maintain the self-confidence of "riding the wind and waves sometimes", and put into the action of "flying clouds and sailing to the sea". They should not be proud at the peak and self pity in the face of the trough, and march towards victory and dream with a hard-working heart!
