

第1个回答  2023-06-26
    Despite being thinner than Peter, Mingming is actually taller than him, which often surprises people who meet them for the first time. (尽管明明比彼得更瘦,但实际上他比彼得更高,这常常让第一次见到他们的人感到惊讶。)Mingming's slender frame and towering height make him stand out in a crowd, especially when compared to Peter, who is shorter and more stocky. (明明苗条的身材和高耸的身高使他在人群中格外引人注目,尤其是与比他更矮壮的彼得相比。)While Peter may have a more muscular build, Mingming's leaner physique and greater height give him a distinct advantage in sports like basketball and volleyball. (虽然彼得可能有更多肌肉,但明明更苗条的身材和更高的身高在篮球和排球等运动中给他带来了独特的优势。)Despite being thinner and taller than Peter, Mingming is actually quite self-conscious about his appearance, often worrying that he looks too lanky or awkward. (尽管明明比彼得更瘦、更高,但实际上他对自己的外貌非常自我意识,经常担心自己看起来太瘦长或笨拙。)When standing side by side, it's clear that Mingming is both thinner and taller than Peter, but their personalities and interests are so different that it's hard to compare them beyond their physical differences. (当他们并排站在一起时,明明比彼得更瘦、更高是显而易见的,但他们的个性和兴趣爱好如此不同,以至于除了身体上的差异之外很难进行比较。)